~ eleven ~

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The Letter

Dear Jungkookie ah,

I'm sorry.

That's simply two words I can say that I know will never be enough for you. Maybe they are enough, I'm not sure, but all I know is they're not enough to me to even begin to bring you back to me. Nothing ever will be. I will always cause you pain and hurt you badly without even trying. I will never be enough. I don't deserve you, and you deserve someone better. But I know that even if you found someone else in your world to replace me, that I would always be hurting you from the sidelines. And Jungkook, I'm tired of breaking you. You're not someone who deserves to be broken.

I love you Jungkook, but that's why I need to go. I know you'll get over it eventually. This'll be my last time hurting you, so you can finally be happy again. I just want to be with my family again. That makes sense, right? This world is so painful and I can't even verbally describe it. I can't talk anyway which I never figured out why. The only two words I've been able to utter are at the beginning of this letter.

Please don't cry over me. That's all I ask. Please don't cry at my funeral. Please don't cry at all. I can't stand to see you cry. Your smile suits you best. Please take care of yourself and find happiness elsewhere. I know Jimin hyung would be happy if you were with him. He's always loved you very much.

I love you Jeon Jungkook.

I have one thing to ask of you.

Back all of those years ago when I stumbled across you,

you asked who I was and I told you the love of your life,

did I ever fulfill that role?

Thank you,

Kim Taehyung

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