~ five ~

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{ Author POV }

Jungkook didn't even bother to follow him. He hadn't been this hurt in his life. He dragged his luggage through the muddy park and trudged down the sidewalk despite the pouring rain. He couldn't tell if the wetness on his cheeks were from his tears or the raindrops.

He came to a stop in front of an area marked off with police tape. Beyond the tape laid a small mountain of wood planks and pillars. They were all black and ashen. Jungkook realized that was Taehyung's family's house and sat down to cry even more.

He remembered the first time he had met his parents. They were so sweet, so much sweeter than his own parents. They had become his second family, and he didn't think Taehyung realized just how hurt he was along with him.

So there Jungkook sat staring at the remains of the fire while looking at the small velvet box he had had in his palm since he got off the train. The sobs came out as cries and just kept getting louder as he thought about Taehyung.

Once he had enough he got up and walked back down to the train station and bought a ticket on the next ride to Seoul.


Taehyung wandered not wanting to go back to the pathetic hotel he was staying in. He felt so empty and emotionless until he remembered the events that went on with Jungkook. Something then sparked inside of him and made him feel a bit worried.

He retraced his steps and couldn't find Jungkook anywhere. By then he was running through the city with tears streaming down his face when he stopped at the train station.

He pushed through the crowds of people and eventually ended up at the platform, but he was too late. He saw Jungkook through the window looking down with tears draining from his eyes. Taehyung cried and sat down on the wet pavement outside the station. Nobody even bothered to see if he was alright even though so many people knew who he was.

He couldn't believe he had broken Jungkook, again.


{ Jungkook's POV }

"Hey Kookie." Jimin said as he came over and wrapped an arm around my neck. I didn't say anything, just gave him a soft smile. "It didn't go well did it?" He asked with a frown on his face. I shook my head as more tears threatened to escape my eyes. He pulled his arm away and went off to my room to put my luggage away for me.

Jin came out of my room with a change of clothes and helped me get to the bathroom to get dried off and dressed. I felt so lifeless without Taehyung that I forgot to thank them or anything for helping me. They would all just smile at me knowingly and before I knew it I was wrapped in a thick blanket on the couch in between Hoseok and Jimin, and Namjoon had turned on Iron Man.

I tried my best to focus on the movie and be happy as I snuggled up next to Jimin, but it was really hard. Jimin knew it was hard, but he still kept a strong grip on my waist and it was the only thing keeping me from thinking of Taehyung. I remember how Jimin and I met and how much I liked him. I maybe even loved him, but I'm not sure. Back then I might've been keeping him around to replace Taehyung, but right now with him next to me, I felt butterflies churning in my stomach and my cheeks were heating up. This was so nice.

After the movie we all decided it was time to go to bed, so Jimin walked me to my room and helped me get settled in. I smiled at him widely and it was the first real one that day. "It'll be okay, Kookie." Those words snapped me back to reality and I began to recall the events of the day. I didn't even know I was crying until I felt Jimin's hands on my cheeks.

"I-I'm sorry hyung." I choked out as my sobs grew louder. He pulled me into his lap and hugged me tight. I had really missed this feeling. "Don't be sorry Kookie-ah. None of this is your fault. I'll be here for you, okay? I'll never ever leave you." I smiled at his kind words as the tears continued to fall.

"Jiminie hyung will you stay in here with me?" I asked as he pulled away. He smiled widely and nodded. "Of course I will. I'm not going anywhere." He got up and turned off the lamp in my room and crawled back into the bed beside me. He was turned away from me, so I reached around and wrapped an arm around his waist. I could feel him tense up, but he soon relaxed, and so did I.

I had really missed Jiminie hyung.


A/N: lmao sorry for the jikook the next chapter is gonna be a texting one

speechless; vkook {sequel to voices}Where stories live. Discover now