~ eight ~

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{ Jungkook's POV }

After that night the dynamics of the dorm changed. We were all really quiet and Taehyung didn't talk whatsoever. He never said hi or bye or anything. Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung are the ones keeping us going. Jimin still works, but he was a bit spacey after what happened and he and I don't talk much. Hoseok is trying to cheer us all up constantly even Taehyung who only gives him a slight smile before isolating himself in our room. I've found my place sleeping on the couch.

The one thing that worried us all was our world tour coming up. Taehyung couldn't just skip out on a whole tour, could he? Management said they're working on fixing his problem and will probably be sending him to a psychiatrist very soon. I'm so worried for him.

I love him.

I miss him.

And I really really need him.

I just want him to talk to me.


{ Taehyung's POV }

What has my life become? When I met Jungkook almost six years ago my life turned upside down. He became my everything in a matter of months. And now what am I doing to him? He's hurt me at different times, but I'm hurting him more than ever before right now. I'm making his life miserable and yet every single day he still smiles at me. His smile is fake I know it. I can see him pleading in his eyes. He's pleading for me to love him and talk to him.

But why can't I?


"Hyung!" Jungkook calls as I walk in the living room, but I hear the pain in his voice. It's ripping me apart, but it's like there's no words that come out. I can't talk. I know it's all mental, but I can't fix it. I can't do this on my own, and it's getting harder and harder each day.

I shoot Jungkook a light smile which leaves him satisfied enough to not say anything else. I keep walking over to the front door and slip on my jacket and shoes. I turn as I hear someone walking towards me.

"Where are you going?" Jungkook asks, his voice filled with pain. I open my mouth, but nothing comes out again. I look down and furrow my eyebrows together. What's wrong with me? I look back up and he just smiles a little as his eyes turn glassy before walking away. I want to run to him and tell him I'm sorry and tell him I didn't mean to break up with him, but I can't. I just can't.

I walk outside into the crisp cool air. It's already nighttime, but I can't stand sitting in my room anymore. At least it's not raining tonight. I turn and look back at the dorm and catch Jungkook walking away from the window. My feet stop for a second before taking off in a run.

I just wanna be anywhere but here.

As I start to get tired I stop at the park. It's abandoned and dark, but the playground still shines in the moonlight. I remember all the times Jungkook and I came here when we were younger right after we met. Memories of this place used to bring me so much happiness, but now it makes me hate myself more.

I didn't even realize I had began to cry and the rain had started to fall.

I finally let out all the built up emotions and sob loudly knowing no one will hear me. I let the rain fall, mixing with the salty tears. I really hate myself. I really do. If our fans knew what I was really like I'm sure they'd hate me too.

Suddenly the rain stopped, but why was it falling over everything else but me?

"Hyung." I jumped at the familiar voice and looked above me to see an umbrella being held by Jungkook. His eyes were laced with tears. His lips trembled as he smiled. "You're gonna catch a cold out here like this." He choked out. Why does he still care about me? I told him we were over and he still wants to make sure I'm doing alright.

Things got blurry between Jungkook sitting down next to me and me hopping into his lap and smashing my lips against his.

"Taehyung. What are you doing?" He asked as he pulled away to breathe. I wish I knew myself. I let my hands fall from his cheeks as new tears slid down my cheeks. I tensed up as he tilted my chin up. His eyes were full of tears and his swollen lips trembled. I hated seeing him like this and knowing its because of me.

"Taehyungie please, please... just talk to me."


A/N: wow I finally updated this

sorry I've been gone and sick ;-;

I'll update my others tomorrow

And maybe publish my yoonmin one lmao

It's really late here so

Good Night 😴❤

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