~ thirty ~

412 20 31

{ please read note at the end of the chapter, third person pov }

"Sir, you can't go beyond this point! If you don't listen you'll be escorted out of the building!"

"Jungkook just listen to her. It's no use otherwise."

"I need him! I need to see him!"

Jungkook collapsed in a heap on the dull tile floors in front of the operation room. His hyung was in there for surgery. His lung had collapsed and his rib punctured it too. It was still uncertain whether or not he'd survive.

The six boys went up to the waiting room where Namjoon and Jin fell asleep, Yoongi worked on songs on his laptop, Jimin and Hoseok went down to the gift shop, and Jungkook sat in complete agony wondering when or if he'd see Taehyung again.

Is this how he felt when my life was on the line?

He couldn't help being full of regret for everything he'd done to him and how at times Taehyung would have rather died than be with him. He regretted the missed opportunities to hug him and kiss him, and prayed he'd be able to do all of that again soon.

As the six of them continued to wait Jungkook found himself dozing off to sleep.



"Jungkookie I missed you so much!"

The two boys ran to each other in the middle of the airport after Taehyung had been gone for a Hwarang event. The hugged each other tight and Taehyung wrapped his legs around Jungkook's legs, not giving a shit about the looks they got from others around them.

Jungkook took in the scent of Taehyung's cologne and warm vanilla shampoo that made him feel at home every time he was near the boy. Taehyung smiled into the crook of Jungkook's neck and let out a hearty laugh at the younger's sweet nothings he whispered in his ear.

They dreaded the moments apart and lived for the seconds they spent with each other.


"Are you the friends of Kim Taehyung?"

Jungkook jumped up first and awaited the news of the bloodstained surgeon.

"We have another surgeon coming in, but this case is out of my hands. We induced a coma until he arrives and then surgery will begin again. It seemed his lungs have been struggling for awhile. We looked at his records and it says twice a week he's been going to different hospitals while on tour for oxygen therapy. The notes from Brazil said the doctor warned him that his lungs were going to reach a breaking point, well it seems they have."

"Oh my god we had no idea. Is this from the couple cases of pneumonia he's had over the past couple years?" Namjoon asked with a voice laced with shock and concern.

The doctor nodded his head.

"It seems both of his lungs collapsed and the right was punctured badly. We're doing all we can do, but

it doesn't look like he'll make it."


"Jeon Jungkook, where do you think you're going?!"

"Anywhere away from you!"

Taehyung ran out to the parking lot and gripped his wrist tightly. Jungkook looked back at him with eyes full of tears and pain. He tried to pull away, but Taehyung quickly grabbed his other arm as well.

speechless; vkook {sequel to voices}Where stories live. Discover now