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{ Taehyung's POV }

"Alright everyone, today we're doing a full show run through before we leave for Chile tomorrow." Namjoon said as we entered the studio. The other members groaned, but we're all still very excited, just a bit tired.

I couldn't stop thinking about what Jungkook said last night. How could we possibly start over? We have too much history and water under the bridge for that to ever happen. We've lived with each other for years and loved each other for longer, so how could he even think of that as an option?

Once inside we let the opening vcr play before rehearsing Not Today. We went through our scripts and continued practicing. I finally had a break during Jungkook's solo, so I sat down next to Jimin who was staring at him very intently while trying to prepare for his solo rehearsal.

"Hey hyung." I whispered. He jumped a little and turned to me with a wide grin on his face. "Hey Taehyung-ah." He cooed and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. I leaned into the touch, but was weary of it also. I don't know why I felt so guilty with his arm around me.

As Jungkook got close to the end Jimin stood up and did some light stretches that I felt nothing from looking at. I was much more entranced with Jungkook, and it terrified me.

The rest of rehearsal went by quickly and successfully. We were done by 4:00, so we all went home to finish up with packing and preparing for our long trip. After our stay in Chile we will be heading straight to Mexico for KCON. It's all very tiring, but I'm excited to spend time with everyone again. They're my brothers and I've really missed them.

"Where'd Jungkook go?" Namjoon asked as he took his head count when we got to the dorm. Where did he go? How did he slip away like that? "Oh he said he had to stop somewhere fast and he'd be home a little later." Yoongi replied. Hmm,


I packed up my two suitcases and put what I could into my carry on bag. I wanted to be very organized and placed my passport on the nightstand next to my chargers and laptop I knew I couldn't leave without. We had to be at the airport by 9:00 in the morning which meant not a lot of rest for me.

I went downstairs for a glass of apple juice and realized it was already 8:30 at night. Jungkook's shoes were still missing from the entryway. Where did he go? I don't know what came over me, but before I could even think about it, I found myself with my coat and boots on outside of our dorm.

I wandered the city streets and checked all the places he'd usually be and still couldn't find him. I could feel the frustration boiling up inside me when I realized of the last and only other place he could be.

The bar.

I started walking that way and that walk soon turned to a run remembering how vulnerable he is when he's drunk. I know I shouldn't care, but he's still a coworker and I don't need him getting hurt before our tour.

I finally pushed open the doors and sure enough there he was. He was sitting at the bar alone while everyone else was on the dance floor.


"How'd I know you'd be here?" I asked surprisingly smooth as I sat down next to him. He looked surprised too, but I could already smell on his breath he had too much to drink. There were four empty shot glasses and a bottle of soju sitting in front of him.

He smiled lazily at me and pounded his fist on the table. "Hey mister, get this pretty boy a bottle of soju!" Jungkook shouted to the bartender. I turned him to face me and my skin heated up when I touched him. I guess I was finally facing my fear.

"Jungkook, we should really get going now." I said to him in a hushed voice. He raised an eyebrow at me and smirked. "I knew you'd...*hiccup*...come after me." He sloppily leaned over and patted my back. I don't like this Jungkook much.

"What do you mean by that Kook?" I asked tiredly and took a swig of soju. This conversation is torturous. "Well, why do ya think I'm here taetaetae?" He chuckled and continued. "I'm here cause' your high notes...are just so damn good!" What?

"When I heard ya today...I remembered how you'd...*hiccup*...sing me to sleep during thunderstorms. And I'm not gon' lie, it made me wanna die a bit. Cause' you hate me so damn much." Oh my god he's actually crying. I watch the tears stream onto his pink cheeks as he takes another shot. I take some gulps of soju and order another.

"Ya know I had this funny dream the last night," he pauses and furrows his eyebrows like he's thinking really hard, "actually it was a horrible nightmare. You turned into this monster like taetaetae that I saw in the hospital that one night where you ignored me. I thought you were gonna kill me...but you slit your own wrists instead. Now ya can't go and do those things anymore okay?"

I felt my lips tug up in a small smile and nodded at him. I looked in front of me and saw two blurry bottles of soju gone and ordered three more. What am I doing? I was trying to think of a cognizant plan,

but when Jungkook kissed me I forgot all about it and let his scent and soju take over my mind.

"Let's take this to another room, shall we?"


A/N: ayyyyyy it's about to get funky

Thanks for over 200 reads lovelies

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