You Are Going To Experience It All

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Changing Your Life On Your Own Terms
Someday the week of Bell Let's Talk Day, I believe I posted a link of a video with Howie Mandel talking about a certain area of mental health and I commented, basically saying the kinds of things I would say about something I strongly believe in enough to fight for and stand up for it all the way: 24/7!

And my mom told me to remove the comment. I forgot what I promised myself a week ago, about taking a break for a while of adding any kind comment like that on any posts I will post in the future.

Either at least till my parents understand mental health more on a level where they won't make me remove any comments I make on Facebook or once I move out. Basically what they are saying is that they don't want me to have any say or comment on anything.

Like they don't really still have anything positive towards Step Up Revolution where my mom said something that wasn't positive after saying that it's standing up for something you believe in and other things that I've gained from the movie and that I believe in.

Yes I did mean to believe in the things I believe in and I'm not one bit ashamed at all. I'm just gonna only post posts like that and many other kinds on Medium, Tumblr, Wordpress, Instagram and Happier. They keep forgetting that I'm 20 and they have both said themselves that and I am at the age where I'd be taking more responsibility for myself even though I'm still living under their house for a little while longer.

I've been making all my decisions with responsibiltiy since I started my recovery April 24th, 2015; almost 2 years (22 months).

Hey Happiers! I've come to talk about my recent email I sent a few minutes ago to my mom about one of her work friends who has one or two daughters who have recently had tough times with depression and had a visit from the police similar to the police visit I had when I had mine; and thought about mentioning this and my idea of helping my mom's work friend's daughters for support and to have someone as a friend to help them recover and cope with their mental condition.

Like the first time I told my mom about wanting to go into being a therapist/shrink and this would not only benefit for me here but also give the daughters support and a new friend. And also for, I'd not only just help them support wise but also having someone else to spend time with when I'm not working if I hear back from Naturalizer tomorrow and when I'm not hanging with Courtney and my Milton friends which doesn't happen as often we used to. What do you Happiers think?

Hey. Remember when we went shopping one time just the two of us and you mentioned about a friend of yours at work who has daughters around my age who recently went through times with depression and the scenario that you found out from your friend?

Well I've been thinking the past few days about that, and thought about the possibility of you bring this idea with your work friend:
Me meeting with her daughters and being there for support and as new friends. Since I've been down that road with depression and relating to many things around the topic of mental illness, I think that it can help them and give them someone around their age to hang with that not only gets it but has experienced depression and can help and be there as friends.

As well as my other thought of the fact that I mentioned about wanting to help others psychologically as a therapist/shrink and this can benefit for both me with that and them for gaining healthy and positive support as friends.

Please let me know when you can and talk to your friend from work about this and let me know most likely after work tonight.

The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction, not a destination. – Carl Rogers, Ph.D.

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