You Are More Than Enough!

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I've been reading a book called Necessary Endings. In the beginning it introduces the concept of seasons in your life and accepting that there is a season for everything. Most people can't let go of things because we want 'spring' to last forever.

Or alternately we refuse to accept that 'fall' is coming so we don't properly prepare for it... we stall and try to delay the envitable. I'm one of those people.

The events that led up to the creation of this project had a lot to do with depression and loss (not death but multiple people cutting ties with me permanently). Art helped me. I'm ending this project because it has served it's purpose in my life for that time period.

I'm not getting what I used to get out of it which means it's time for a necessary ending. I'm going back to my writing and hope that will help facilitate further healing.

Thank you for all of the kind words, messages, and support. I'm glad I wasn't the only person who got something out of it. Some of you have way more difficult things to deal with and I hope you make it through everything too. Best 💙💚💛💜

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