I Am Proud Of You

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What is another way to tell an adult you are proud of them?
May 17, 2015 1:29 PM

My husband works very hard and does amazing things. When he has an accomplishment, I have a hard time thinking of something to say other than "I'm proud of you" but I think that sounds so patronizing, fake, and parental.

I've tried Googling this more than once and only come up with answers for parents to their children. I genuinely am excited for what he has done and.... I just can't think of anything to say other than "proud" and I hate that. What are other ways of telling my husband I am proud of his accomplishments other than "I am proud of you?" I do not have a very large vocabulary, not like he does, so often I just end up feeling stupid trying to express my happiness for his hard work and then I feel bad for my thoughts ending up on myself rather than him.

"You amaze me."
"I'm very impressed with everything you've done."
"I love to see your success."

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