Chapter 1 - Mugged

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*El's POV*

I was on holiday with my best friend. Hannah and we had known each other since we were 10 but only became best friends at the age of 13 after me bullying her for three years; yeah I regret it but maybe our friendship wouldn't be so strong if we hadn't been through that first. We were now 18; she had her birthday in June after I'd had mine the September before. As a celebration of our friendship and becoming fully fledged adults we decided to go on holiday that summer. To the US; California to be specific.

It was a Saturday morning in LA, already three weeks into our two month long excursion. We had seen the main sights and now we were moving onto the ones that not many went to, we are not ones for huge crowds the majority of the time.

I lay on my bed the late morning sun streaming through the massive windows we had in our room in the rented apartment. Hannah knocked on the door.

"What do you want?"

"Oi I just wanted to grab my phone, there's a cute bird on the balcony I wanna photo."


She opened the door and saw I was still in my PJs.

"Jesus Christ we're in California and you just decide to lie in bed all day?!"

"Not all day. Just half."

"Get up, come on. We're going out!"

She grabbed hold of my leg and dragged me off the bed and onto the floor.

"Owww, for God's sake Hannah that really hurt my arse!"

"That's your fault for being so damn lazy!!"

She left leaving me rubbing my backside trying to subdue the pain. I did think she was right though, I should probably stop lying in and wasting half the day. So I got up and got changed into a crop top, my favourite acid-washed denim shorts and a leather jacket.

"Right, I'm here! What are we doing?"

"Eating breakfast then going wherever the road takes us!" Hannah replied, mouth full of cereal. I took a bowl from the cupboard and sorted out some breakfast for myself. So far we'd been lucky, our British accents gaining us attention from even the best looking guy; hopefully today would be no different I sort of wanted to have a summer romance.

We left the apartment with only our phones, credit cards and some money to get us through the day. Starting down the road to the main shopping area we noticed a poster pinned to a lamp post.

Lakeland Open Venue, Julian Square

"Hannah that's tomorrow night isn't it? Do you think there are still tickets?"

"I doubt it mate, they probably went on sale months ago," she said clearly trying not to upset me.

"You're right, damn it. We could always try sneak in?"

"We can head to the venue and see what happens?" I agreed but expected the worst.

Black Veil Brides were one of my favourite bands and although I'd been to see them before, seeing them again would be amazing.

The rest of the day was spent sauntering around the shops and sitting in the sunshine enjoying the city. It was an incredible experience; being with my best friend in a new place that we had always wanted to discover.

The next evening we dressed appropriately as if we were going to get into the concert. I was in my BVB t-shirt and black shorts and Hannah wore a grey crop top and skinny ripped black jeans. We were going to leave early to give ourselves a good enough chance to try and get in.

"We're not gonna get in; I'm sorry mate but it's just not going to happen. The security will be crazy; we're in their home town," Hannah pointed out, giving me warning in the hope I wouldn’t feel let down.

"Yeah I know but it's worth a shot! Who knows there might be someone with a couple of spare tickets," I replied


*Hannah's POV*

We were walking to the venue when I spotted a massive bus down a side road.

"El isn't that-?"

"SHIT... Hannah it's their bus!"

We snuck up to it and could hear voices from inside. It's was only just past four, they had probably had their sound check and were back in their bus getting ready.

"Hannah what do we do, it'll be really creepy if we wait for them out here..."

I didn't reply. All I could see was the men rounding the corner. They were massive and looked awful. They started running towards us.

"Run. El, run!" She didn't hear me soon enough; one man tackled her to the ground. I screamed and tried to pry her free but got smashed in my head before I could do anymore. We had been warned about getting mugged or worse but had never really thought about it till now.

*Andy's POV*

"Guys did you hear that?" I stuck my head out of the bathroom with half of my hair straight. No one was there. I ran down the bus and out of the door. I ran straight into Ashley who was carrying a girl up the stairs onto the bus. Jake was close behind carrying another.

"Got beaten up. Two men fled down the road the second we got out the bus," Ashley explained.

"Oh my God! Are they okay?" I queried seeing one with a Black Veil Brides t-shirt I assumed they were heading to the concert before seeing our bus.

"They should be fine, this one has a few scrapes and the other has a massive bruise where the man hit her on the side of her head," CC showed me.

"Okay well we can't leave them here whilst we perform," Jinxx said. He was right they'd wake up in a strange place with no-one to tell them what happened.

"We're gonna have to take them backstage," I suggested. The other guys agreed and we carried them round the back of the venue and in through the back entrance once we had finished getting ready. My manager looked at us suspiciously as we carried them and lay them down on the sofas. Jake went and explained what had happened and he said he'd get someone to keep an eye on them and explain where they were if they woke up.

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