Chapter 16 - Hook Ups + Dates

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*El's POV*

It was finally the Christmas holidays and I decided to fly down to my auntie's house where we go each year for Christmas rather than getting a train. I also set aside a week in the New Year to meet with Hannah so we could catch up.

I hadn't coped with the breakup very well and had only recently stopped crying myself to sleep each night. I didn't know how well Andy was doing but I couldn't exactly ask. All of my friends, including Hannah, now knew about the split and they were all there for me which was comforting. Jared, although he didn't know the reasons behind the breakup, was very supportive too. I felt as though once I'd gotten over Andy maybe I would fall for him; he was such an awesome guy after all.

I had a lovely Christmas down with my family. My brother had even flown out from Malaysia where he was working so it was amazing to catch up with him after just over 2 years of not seeing each other. A few days after Christmas I headed to London to meet up with Hannah. We had booked a really nice spa hotel and planned on treating ourselves for a few days whilst catching up; we deserved it after all.

Whilst with my best friend she told me all about what she'd been through, despite talking on the phone often she had missed out details and it was nice to know the whole story. We also discussed my breakup with Andy; she comforted me and told me to do what I felt was right with Jared. Unfortunately the days went by much too fast and before long I had to head back up to Edinburgh to start the new semester.

*Andy's POV*

I missed her. I wanted to still be with her, to call her every Friday like we used to, go through photos of us on my phone. Now I can't call her, she's moved on. I can look through photos on my phone, but it no longer is the same. She’s gone all because of me. It’s my fault, I over reacted all because of a friend she had that was getting too close. I should’ve trusted her - she trusted me.

I decided to go to Ash’s apartment and drag him out that night. I got up off the couch where I had been lamenting and went to get ready I then grabbed my keys and headed to Ashley’s. He was up for drinks so we went to our favourite bar. I got smashed.

*Ashley’s POV*

Andy is usually sensible with the amount he drinks; he goes for weeks at a time completely sober. Tonight however he went all out. I had to avoid joining him so one of us was conscious enough to get back to mine. I don’t know why he had chosen to go out for drinks tonight or why he was going overboard. It had been a while since he’d broken up with El but he had never seemed to get over it, maybe it was something to do with that. I don’t know, but I decided he needed to find a new girl, even if it was as a distraction.

“Hey Andy, what about that chick over there?”

“I don’t care,” he slurred.

“Oh for God’s sake mate, get a grip. El’s moved on, you broke up with her; you need to start looking for someone new it’s been a few months.”

At that he got up and headed over to the girl I had pointed at. She was fit and looked like Andy’s kinda girl.

*Andy’s POV*

I woke up the next morning in an unknown bed; I sprung up and looked around. The girl from last night was lying next to me, I didn’t even know what her name was. She was still asleep so I got up and put my boxers on and headed into the ensuite bathroom. I splashed water on my face and took a piss. When I went back out I saw she had woken up.

“I’m sorry,” I said awkwardly, “I need to be going.”

“Wait, I never got your name,” she replied.

“Andy, what about you?”


I stayed silent as I dressed myself in last night’s clothes and checked I had everything like keys and my phone.

“Here’s my number, if you ever want to call feel free.” She passed me a slip of paper and I tucked it in my back pocket. I leant over the bed and kissed her on the cheek to say goodbye before showing myself out.

I walked down the road and worked out where I was before hopping on a bus and heading back to Ashley’s because I think he had my coat, luckily it wasn’t too cold out and I had a fairly thick jumper on. Clearly I had had a lot to drink last night, my head was cloudy and I had a searing headache. I also I couldn’t remember anything apart from the sex. That was the first one night stand I’d had in a while and although it was good it didn’t feel right with anyone else. It should be El.

“How was it?” Ash asked, opening the door.

“Not bad, but I know of better.”

“Well you need to find that ‘better’ then don’t you,” he smirked.

“Ashley, that ‘better’ is in England probably dating some guy called Jared.”

“Jesus, we’re back to her...”

“Yes we’re bloody back to her because she changed me, she was my fucking everything and then I fucked it up because I was a jealous bastard and now I’ve lost her,” I flipped before charging into the living room and crashing down onto the sofa. I couldn’t keep in the tears and once I’d started I couldn’t stop, they just kept flowing.

*El’s POV*

I was heading to the gym again and planned to meet Jared there. He was becoming closer and closer to me and I was beginning to fall for him. Andy being the one to break up with me had probably gone and found someone else so I decided to grow up and move on myself, it’s for the better. Hannah had told me when I’d seen her that we will still stay friends with BVB and go out to see them so I knew I didn’t really need to worry about losing them all forever.

We had a good gym session doing weights. He was really helpful as usual when we do weights together, he would always watch and check I was holding them safely and doing weights that were safe for me whilst still pushing myself. At the end we walked back to the changing rooms together.

“Why don’t we go this way back?” he suddenly started to go around past the cafe.

“Jared, that’s the long way. Why do you want to go around there?”

“I don’t know I haven’t seen this part of the gym for ages and I want to cool off before having a shower.”

“Alright then,” I laughed and caught up with him.

“Do you like coffee?” he questioned me.

“Not really, I’m more of a hot chocolate kinda person. Why?”

“Well then I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to get a hot chocolate sometime?”

“Is that an offer of a date?” I giggled.

“Only if you want it to be a date,” he smiled at me.

“Then yes I will go get hot chocolate with you, crazy man. How about tomorrow, my lectures finish at 2pm?”

“I’ll meet you outside your dorm at 3pm. Sound good?”

“Sounds perfect, see you then,” I said heading in to the changing rooms that we had reached after the extra wander around the halls of the sports centre. I knew he liked having a shower here so I changed quickly and went home to shower there so I avoided seeing him again before our outing tomorrow.

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