Chapter 19 - Decisions

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*Andy's POV*

Ash had been pestering me to call El so I thought I would give it a try. My head couldn't block her out at all despite it being over a year and Ash thinks it's because she's the one for me but how could I ever know?

I put in her number which I knew off by heart after week after week of calling it all that time ago. It started to ring.

"Andy?" her voice echoed down the phone. Hearing her say my name again made me feel something.


Was it really her?

"Yeah it's me. How are you?"

How am I supposed to answer that?

"I'm alright I guess. How about you?"

What am I doing?

"I'm great thanks. Anyway you must have called for some reason, what might that be?"

"Okay I'm just going to say it. El, I miss you. My body misses your touch and my mind misses everything else about you. I need you; I made a stupid mistake because I was jealous of someone I didn't even know."

Nothing. Just silence.

"El? You still there?"

"Um yeah, I just don't know what to say Andy. I love you and I always will because you're my idol but you broke up with me how do I know I can trust you again and besides I now have a boyfriend."

"Okay, I get it. It's fine," I replied tears falling down my face.

"I'm so sorry Andy."

Could I hear tears from her too?

"Can you at least tell me whether I will ever see your face again."

"Yes. Yes you will," she promised.

"Okay," I said before hanging up so she could say no more.

*El's POV*

I had run to the bathroom when I saw my phone light up with Andy's name; Jared was around mine and I didn't want him to hear anything. He asked whether I was alright and I just waved him away, I felt bad about it.

Now I was sat on the toilet lid with my head in my hands crying my eyes out. I didn't know what to do.

"Babe, what's the matter I can hear you crying. And who was that on the phone?" Jared called to me from outside the door. I sobbed harder, the thought of having to explain it all to Jay killed me.

I gathered some strength and unlocked the door. I didn't open it though, I knew he would; soon enough he turned the handle and found me standing there facing him.

He saw my bloodshot eyes and brought my body towards his placing my head on his chest before stroking my hair. I sobbed into his shoulder for a while before I pulled away and went to sit on the couch.

"El, what is it?" his calming voice spoke to me.

"Jay it was Andy," I spoke softly but Jared was sitting next to me so could he hear.

"What did he say? Was he being a dick towards you?"

"No, Jay, no; in fact sort of. He wants me back Jay and I don't know what my heart wants, I'm so sorry." I started tearing up again with the battle taking place inside of me.

"Babe I love you but if you really want to go back to him then do it, I want you to be happy."

"But I don't know if I want to and I don't know if I can trust him. I've been with you for so long and you mean so much to me I don't want to lose that," I explained.

"Do you want me to give you some space to work this out?"

"Jay I can't live without you. You're one of my best friends, don't leave me," I burst out in tears thinking I was going to be left alone.

"Hey hey hey I'm still here. It was just a suggestion."

"Okay I'm sorry-"

"No don't be sorry, it's not your fault, I was the one who suggested it it's my fault."

"Jay stop," I took his hands in mine, "Will you promise me that even if I do choose Andy we can stay friends, I don't want to ever lose you."

"I promise," he replied looking directly into my eyes. I studied his face - the shape of his jaw line, the exact shade of his eyes and the way his eyebrows curve down slightly at the end. I knew I could live with Jared as just a friend but I needed to find out if Andy was being serious.

*Hannah's POV*

I was in the middle of my date with Gustav when my phone started ringing. We were in the Tate Modern, Gus had taken me here because he found out from Pete that I was an art student.

"Sorry, I must take this," I apologised to my date as I saw it was El calling.

"Hey, I need to ask you something," she said very bluntly down the phone.

"Hi to you too," I chuckled, "What is it? Better be quick because you've interrupted my date."

"DATE? You didn't tell me about a date! Who is it?" she yelled in my ear but before I could answer she continued, "No that will have to wait. I need to know if you've been in contact with Ash and if you have has Andy come up in your conversations?"

"Yes I have and yes Andy has come up in our conversations. Why do you ask?"

"Has he mentioned anything to do with Andy wanting to get back with me?"

"Yes. Shit! El did he ring you?" Gustav's face was of confusion and slight concern at me swearing loudly in an art gallery.

"Yeah he did, yesterday. I want to know if he's serious."

"He is definitely serious. He has never gotten over you since he broke up with you however long ago it was."

"Oh my god, Hannah I'm going to do something that is going to really hurt me."

"Wait what?"

"Call me later. Have fun on your date," she said quickly before ending the call.

Gustav looked at me completely confused, "Now what the heck was that all about?"

"Girl issues," I said before taking his hand for the first time and leading him to the next exhibit.

*Ashley's POV*

Andy was yet again around mine. Will he ever actually go to his own house? Probably not. We were watching a TV programme that was extremely uninteresting so I got up and went to make myself a snack. I walked back into the living room to find Andy on the phone and the TV muted. I gestured to him to try and find out who it was but he ignored me.

"Seriously El you would give up all of that for me?" Andy said, his face animated.


"Okay, call me back."

Andy put his phone down on the sofa next to him.

"That wasn't the first time you've spoken to her after the break up is it?" I asked.

"No I talked to her a couple of days ago," he spoke with his eyes closed and his head rested back on the sofa.

"What's the deal then?" I was trying to stay calm.

"She's fucking dumping her boyfriend for me Ash," as he spoke he sat forwards sharply.

"Jesus." I had no words.


Love Spans Oceans - Andy Biersack fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now