Chapter 18 - Coffee Helps

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*El’s POV*

A year has passed and not much had happend and I was with my friends in the park at uni everyone was there: Meagan, Caspian, Leo and Jared. Of course the others knew we were now dating and Leo wouldn’t shut up about how she told me Jared liked me and that we should go out. We all sat around snacking on crisps and eating fizzy drinks like a bunch of teenagers.

I was curled up next to Jared because it was still quite cold out despite it being late February, it was Scotland after all. We were chatting about work and the amount of stuff we all had to do.

“It’s just ironic how we’re all sat here talking about the shit that needs to get done but no-one is doing anything,” I said. Everyone laughed in agreement.

“That’s uni for you,” Jared replied, “Hey El you’re clearly frozen do you wanna head back to mine?”

“Yeah alright,” I said, “See you guys tomorrow. Or not if we all actually end up doing the work we have to do.”

“Haha I doubt that’ll happen,” Meagan sighed.

“Wait El will I see you tonight or are you staying round Jared’s?” Leo asked.

“I’m not sure, if you want people over I’ll stay at Jared’s,” I replied, letting her know I knew why she was asking.

“Then yeah can you?”

“Sure. See you guys.”

Jared then took hold of my hand and we walked off in the direction of his apartment. He was in a block with Meagan where the dorms are bigger and some, like Jared, were lucky enough to not have to share.

We arrived at his and decided to put on a movie before having supper.

“What about Batman?” Jared asked. My mind flipped to Andy immediately and I felt tears well up as I remembered the fun times I’d spent with him and the guys watching Batman on the tour bus.

“I’m sorry Jay, I can’t,” I sniffed.

“Babe, what’s wrong?” he said coming over to wrap his strong arms around me.

“It’s just Andy, he loved Batman. I know it has been over a year but there’s always going to be something I mean he’s my idol who just happened to fall in love with me. I hope you understand.”

“El, of course I understand. Andy is a fucking legend, his band is incredible and you’re a very lucky girl to have had what you did with him. Unfortunately he ended it but I can understand he’ll always be in your heart, that’s okay.”

“Thank you Jay, I love you,” I whispered, wiping my tears.

“I love you too,” he breathed into my ear. Turning my head towards him he placed his warm lips on mine. I fell into the kiss and turned up the intensity completely forgetting about why I had just been crying. His hand started to go up my shirt before he picked me up and took me to his room.

“How about we skip the movie?” He mumbled. I just nodded in agreement.

*Hannah’s POV*

I had been in frequent contact with El; she would also ring every Saturday afternoon to catch up. Luckily I had her because I wasn’t doing too well making new friends; I am an awkward person and I can’t easily connect with people. My nightmares had almost all gone they would just crop up occasionally if I had had a bad day or something had reminded me of my experience.

El often mentioned Jared and how their relationship was progressing. I am so happy that she has managed to move on without too much of an issue; on the other hand I wanted to know how Andy was doing, I was his friend too after all. I decided to ring up Ash; I hadn’t spoken to him for God knows how long anyway.

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