Chapter 21 - He's My Drug

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*Ashley’s POV*

El had called me to say her and Hannah were coming out to LA in a couple of days and hoped we were able to meet them. I told her that we were in the studio most days working on the new album but they were welcome to stay at one of our places if they wanted because we all had spare rooms. El told me that she would take me up on that offer and cancel the booking they had on a hotel room; after all it would save them money.

“Can’t wait to see you again Ash!” she said down the phone, “I’ve missed you all so much.”

“Yeah me too, it’ll be great seeing you both again. Oh and I heard about you and Andy, I’m assuming that’s why you’re coming out?”

“That’s one of the reasons yeah,” she chuckled, “I need to see him again.”

“I’m glad you made that choice El, he’s a great guy!”

“I know he is,” she laughed again.

“Anyway, you need to get going so I’ll see you tomorrow when I pick you up at the airport.”

“Sounds great! Oh Ash, do you think you could keep this as a secret from the rest of the guys, especially Andy?”

“Of course I can, see you then.”


*El’s POV*

Our plane touched down and we found Ash in the arrivals lounge. We ran up to him and he gave us each a massive hug. He told us that he was heading straight to the studio and hoped that we didn’t mind spending the day there with them.

We arrived at their studio about 20 minutes later after a great catch up in the car and he told us to wait outside their room until we wanted to come in.

“Hey guys, sorry I was seriously stuck in traffic!”

“There wasn’t any traffic when I came over ten minutes ago though,” Jake said.

“Yeah that’s because there wasn’t any traffic, he was collecting us from the airport.” I had decided that I wasn’t waiting anymore to see them all and walked through the door with Hannah at my heels. I glanced around the room and caught Andy’s eye. His face was priceless with his eyes fixed on mine and mouth falling open.

“Am I dreaming?” he spoke softly.

“No you’re not,” I answered walking up to him, “We’re really here; I’m really here.” I put my hands around his waist and leant my head on his chest. He placed a light kiss on the top of my head.

“Damn I missed this,” Andy spoke into my hair.

“Me too,” I replied breathing in his smell. I pulled away from his embrace and looked around at the other guys before going to hug and say hello to them all which Hannah had already done.

For the rest of the day we hung out with them all at the studio watching the process of recording a record. At one point Andy got up to go to the kitchen to get some water and he walked over to me before leaving and asked if I wished to join him, of course I agreed I hadn’t been alone with him yet.

“How are you?” he asked when we got into the empty kitchen.

“I’m great thank you, how about you?” I replied looking up into his pure blue eyes.

“I’m fucking blown away! Why bother coming out here El?” He placed his hand on my waist and pulled me closer to him.

“I wanted to see you and now I know I made the right choice; Jay will always be in my heart but now it’s as a best friend.” I rested my head on Andy’s shoulder.

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