Chapter 4 - Tour Life Begins

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*Ashley's POV*

We were inside their apartment trying to shove everything back into the three suitcases we found. There were some other bags we made use of too but they had so much stuff it was never ending.

"Hey Andy," I yelled into the bathroom from the girls' shared bedroom. "Bet you would like to see El in this." He looked at me in time for me to ping a turquoise thong at him. It hit I'm in the chest and he picked it up off the floor laughed and pocketed the underwear.

"Saving that for later," he said patting his pocket and winking. I chuckled and went back to pulling everything out of their drawers and putting it all as neatly as I could into the two suitcases I had been given for clothes. Andy was in the bathroom clearing up all of their toiletries into the wash bags they had brought. He also had to get their entire collection of make up into one bag which seemed impossible.

"Why do girls need so much crap?" he asked me.

"I have no idea mate but for some reason they do and we mustn't leave anything behind." Andy mumbled an agreement.

After about an hour we had looked everywhere about a million times to check we hadn't left anything and finally left the apartment. I dropped the single set of keys we had off at the reception and luckily no-one was there to ask any questions like where the other set of keys were so we just ran out the door.

The journey back took forever seeing as we walked there and hadn't brought any money with us to get a taxi. We got many weird looks as we walked down some rather main streets with three suitcases and two other bags between us. It was all hopefully going to be worth it; the worst thing would be if they didn't want to stay on tour with us, it would make us look rather stupid.

We arrived at the bus and heard El talking really loudly to Jake and Hannah.

*Hannah's POV*

They still weren't back and it was nearing lunch time. You could tell El was slightly worried about them even though they are adults and can do what they want.

We soon heard voices outside and the bus door opened and in walked Andy and Ashley.

"Wait aren't they our suitcases?" I asked after greeting them.

"Um yeah," Andy said smiling shyly, "we thought you might want to spend the rest of tour with us so we went and got all your stuff for you."

*Andy's POV*

El's face lit up as I spoke those words. Thank god we made the right decision to do this. She ran up to me and I carefully dropped the bags on the ground before embracing her in a tight hug. She wasn't a short girl, neither of them were. Probably just under 5'9 but to me she was short and she fit perfectly in my arms. She placed her hand in my hair and pulled my head towards hers before placing her warm lips on mine. The kiss was quick but it had meaning, it was our first kiss and I never wanted it to end. I was the one who pulled away though, scared that I would seem too intense. She stared into my eyes and I noticed for the first time how green her eyes were.

"I thought your eyes were brown but there is so much green in them."

"I know" she started but I cut her off.

"They're beautiful..."

"Thanks," she whispered, her head resting against my chest. I felt happy and I don't think I've felt this way about a girl so early on before.

"Nawww," Jinxx butted in from the sofa. "Now can we actually appreciate the fact that we have a party tonight and we haven't even started getting ready.”

"Oh shit!" Ashley yelled. "We need to get this party bus moving." He tried to laugh and then realised how unfunny that actually was so just got up and left to go to the bathroom.

"You girls have something to wear don't you?" CC asked. "Cause I doubt you'd want to borrow our stuff."

"Well I dunno some of Andy's clothes are pretty feminine," Jake added.

"Um firstly that's so stereotypical and secondly no," I said in a grumpy  tone of voice. El laughed and then asked me to take her stuff into my room.

"Um I don't think your stuff and Hannah's was separated, we just kind of shoved." She sighed but said Hannah and her would sort it out.

*El's POV*

I bagged the shower first and got in there before anyone else could say otherwise. Unfortunately the door didn't lock but I just yelled at anyone who tried to come in.

"Shit I forgot my underwear," I yelled loud enough for the rest of the bus to hear.

"Don't worry no-one will look, just come out in a towel," Jinxx replied, equally as loud. I rushed out and into Andy's room seeing as that was where all of Hannah and my clothes were. He was sitting on the bed in just his boxers presumably waiting in the queue for the shower.

"Hey," he said before looking up and seeing I was just in a towel. He smirked at me and I blushed. He then got up and started walking over to me yet he didn't stop he just walked straight past.

"I have just the thing for you," he trailed off as he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out one of my thongs.

"Andy!" I shouted. "The hell do you have that for?"

He looked scared as if he'd done something really wrong until I burst out laughing and he relaxed.

"So you gonna wear it for me? After all you are my plus one," he smiled at me but I could see the lust in his eyes.

"Sure," I said smirking, before I dropped my towel and walked over to him.

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