Chapter 9 - Court

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*Hannah's POV*

There he was. The man who caused me so much pain, both mentally and physically. He was there, just standing across the room from me. Luckily this time I was safe. I didn't feel safe with his sunken eyes smirking at me, but I knew I was. We were, of course, in the court room. I had just made my appeal and could finally sit down. I did anything I could to not look in his direction so mainly my eyes just wondered the stalls. There sat my parents, who had flown all the way out here for me, and El and the guys who had been here for me ever since that dreaded night. My mental state had been up and down since then. I'd had a lot of help from a counsellor but mainly it was friends and family that helped me take my mind off it. Luckily, also, I wasn't pregnant and they managed to check for STIs and I was all clear. Although I had gone through an extremely traumatic experience you could say I was one of the lucky ones. Although I didn't feel that way.

Everyone began to get up and leave the court room but I just sat there. He stood up and began to walk towards me glaring as he came. But before anything could happen the police handcuffed him and took him away. I still sat there. I didn't know how to feel; I was glad he was being locked up but I still felt as though he would always be there with me, haunting me. I'd been having bad dreams, nightmares, flashbacks. Nothing had helped; I guess they would go with time but who knows.

*Ashley's POV*

She just sat there. The life that was usually in her eyes had gone. The light switched out.

"Surely she should be happy that he's locked up," Jake whispered next to me so no-one else would hear.

"Yeah but he'll always be tormenting her, even from behind bars," I replied staring at her face from across the room. I walked up to her and didn't say a word I just hugged her. I squeezed her so tight; I just wanted all the bad to go away. Of course it wouldn't but I could try. She looked up at me and smiled, it was faint and you could tell she was trying her hardest to make it look genuine but it just wasn't her usual self.

"He's gone now," I said. "I know it was too late for you but you've saved lots of other girls from experiencing the same thing. And I'm so proud of you for that. I'm also so proud of you for standing up to that bastard and saying what you had to say to get him locked up."

She hugged me much tighter once I'd said that, showing appreciation of my words without having to find her own to say.

"Let's head back to the hotel now. You need some rest."

We had been staying in a hotel the past couple of nights because it was more spacious and much more comfortable for Hannah. Luckily we had only had two shows and they were fairly nearby so us guys just took a day trip out each time. Otherwise they were travel days; we could work around it. We had 4 bedrooms booked: one for Hannah and I, one for Andy and El, one for Jinxx and Jake and CC had his own room because no-one wanted to share with him due to him sleeping naked and snoring.

Hannah and El were in one room right now, they were having a chat and asked to be left alone so I went in with Andy and we decided to watch a film.

"Not fucking Batman again mate; we always watch it! How about something I like maybe?"

"What so you don't like Batman? How can you not like Batman?"

"I've just seen it too many damn times that's all."

"Well what do you wanna watch the fucking Hello Kitty movie or something?"

"Don't you dare make fun of Hello Kitty," I yelled. This argument always happens I swear.

Finally we found a movie we both liked: Lord of The Rings. We settled down to watch that and expected the girls to be ready for bed by the time this epically long movie ended. Yet the credits started scrolling across the screen and they still hadn't made an attempt to stop yabbering. Both Andy and I were now trashed so I decided to go check on them and see how long they'd be.

"I'm gonna go check on the girls cause I really wanna sleep," I mumbled to Andy. He grunted and agreement and lay down under the covers seeing as we were in his room.

I went to the room the girls were in and knocked on the door, no answer. I got my key out and went inside to find them both under the covers fast asleep.

"Andy mate," I called walking back into his room.

"Yeah what?" he answered from under the duvet.

"We're gonna have to share mate they're fast asleep in there."

"Ugh, girls," he grunted. "Alright then Ash get in."

*Andy's POV*

I woke up with an arm around me and I pulled the figure closer to me.

"El are you awake?" I whispered softly. No reply, she must still be asleep. I drifted back off myself and only darted awake when I heard the door shut.

"Naww you two are so cute."

That was El. What? But she's next to me...
Shit, that's Ashley. I leapt up and unclasped my arm from around him. The girls laughed and so did I once I realised how funny it was.

"Well that's going on instagram," El said.

"Wait what?" No, she can't have got a photo...

"Too late." She smirked at me and then giggled along with Hannah.

"Ashley wake up sleepy head," Hannah was leaning over Ash who was still asleep. He grumbled and turned over so he was facing away from the rest of us. I laughed and then realised I was still wearing my clothes from yesterday.

"This can't have been good for my dick," I mumble as I walk past El still in my skinny jeans.

"I heard that!" Hannah stated from the bedside.

"Sorry..." I trailed off blushing. El giggled and followed me into the bathroom.

"What are you doing in here miss?" I ask her picking her up and throwing her over my shoulder.

"I just wanted to be with you," she replied making puppy dog eyes at me in the mirror.

"Well sucks to be you," I said and before she had a chance to reply I was standing over the toilet and taking a piss.

"Ugh Andy," she yelled at me trying to keep her feet well away from the stream.

"Shouldn't have followed me!" I chuckled flushing the toilet and placing her back on the floor.

"You haven't even washed your hands yet now I have dick hands on me!"

"Dick hands?" I query trying not to laugh too much at her outburst. I washed my hands and then opened the bathroom door and she stepped out in front of me.

"Dick hands?" Ashley and Hannah said at the same time. They then looked at each other and we all burst out laughing. All except for El who just stood there, trying her hardest to keep a straight face. I knew she couldn't handle much more so I just reached out and tickled her. She collapsed to the ground in fits of laughter.

"No! Andy stop it," she cried. I then stood up and walked over to the bed where I lay down just leaving her on the floor breathing heavily.

"Well what a show," Ash said, Hannah and I just chuckled.

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