Chapter 8 - Hospital

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*El's POV*

Why? Why her? Why did I act like such an asshole? I need her, she's my best friend she means so much to me and we've been through so much together and now she gone. And it's my fault.

Andy has been sitting up with me all night cradling me in his arms and stroking my hair trying to calm me down. It works and then I think of Hannah and how I'll probably never see her again, or how she's probably been kidnapped or killed or that maybe she's killed herself... And then I burst into tears again. But Andy's always here to reassure me; what did I ever do to deserve him? But he's the one that got me and Hannah into this argument. My heart is torn.

I calmed down enough to try and get to sleep; I mostly just didn't want Andy to stay up the whole night because of me. He fell asleep his arms still tightly wrapped around my shaking body. I just lay there though, trying not to wake him with my bouts of crying.

*Hannah's POV*

The lights were blinding but I couldn't move not even to turn my head away. He had been so violent, my body ached.

"Hey there's someone down here!" A voice called out and I tried to look to see who it was. Not anymore, just leave me be. I was soon surrounded by figures. They were trying to talk to me but my brain couldn't comprehend what they were saying. All I could see were feet and bright lights. So many bright lights.

I woke and sat up sharply startled at where I was.

"Woah, chill out - you'll pass out again," I heard a familiar voice beside me; I lay back down and strained to open my eyes again.

"It's me Andy. El's just gone to get us coffee."

"Whaa..?" Where was I?

I heard the door open and then close again.

"Omg Hannah you're awake," El shouted and ran over to give me a hug. I tried to hug back but I ached so much. Why did I ache?

Then it all came flooding back to me. The walking away, the drunks, the rape. I burst into tears and El latched on tighter.

"Hushhh... it's okay, it's okay," she whispered into my ear whilst rubbing my back. "You're alright now, you're safe. Don't worry."

"WHY WOULD SOMEONE DO THIS TO ME?" I yelled at the top of my lungs. "I'M INNOCENT, I DIDN'T EVER DO ANYTHING WRONG! SINCE WHEN DID I DESERVE THIS?" I was reeling with anger.

"It's disgusting isn't it?" Ash had walked in and I hadn't noticed. El stepped back but he didn't come nearer to me afraid that I'd be sensitive from the incident. I stretched my arms out for him to come give me a hug.

"Are you sure?" he asked tentatively. They must have been told to be careful.

"I know you're not him; I know you would never do that to me," I explained.

"You're right I would never. You're too awesome for that," I smiled and gave him a massive hug, his arms wrapping around me. He was known for being a player but he seemed genuine towards me.

*Andy's POV*

Hannah was finally awake. Her best friend was by her side and Ash was there too. After the tragic events of the night before I felt faintly happy that she was here and still herself. I was looking out of the window at the sunset occasionally listening in to the conversation the others were having, when a nurse walked in.

"We've matched the DNA found on you to a suspect. He is being tracked down currently and should be in custody by the end of the week. Although we would need your witness statement presented in court to be able to lock him up, you may not feel mentally ready to face your assailant. It is entirely up to you." And with that she walked out.

"There is no way I'm letting that filthy bastard walk free," Hannah said gritting her teeth. You could tell she was angry but it was taking all of her will power to stop herself from breaking down again at the thought of having to face him in court.

I have known these two girls for just under two weeks and since then so much has happened both good and bad. Right now though, I'm so proud of Hannah for beginning the process of getting through this shit hole some disgusting man has put her in.

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