Chapter 13 - University

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*El's POV*

After a couple of weeks of preparation to get everything ready for me to go to uni, it was finally the day I was leaving. I was piled into the car with all of the crap I was taking with me in the back. My dad said he'd drive me there to save me from having to drive by myself; I think it was because he wanted to check I was all settled in.

Hannah had gone off to Art College last week, she was studying Graphic Design. I however, was going to study Environmental Studies at Edinburgh in Scotland. I therefore had a 7 hour car journey ahead of me. Oh well, it gave me plenty of time to blast music; luckily my dad was into my sort of stuff so he would put up with it. It also gave me a chance to tell him everything that happened whilst I was away; sure he knew some things but most was a complete mystery to him.

Later that day I was settled into my student dorm with my new roommate called Leonie, but she likes to be called Leo. My dad had headed off to stay in a hotel before going home tomorrow. Leo seemed pretty awesome, we'd hit it off straight away. She liked similar bands to me, wore similar clothes and had the same look on life; we were both really happy that they'd put us together.

It was getting late so we decided to just order a take away before getting some sleep. Leo had had quite a long journey today as well. Before going to sleep I checked my phone and saw I had three messages. One was from my dad checking if I was all okay, which I swiftly replied to. One of the others was from Hannah. We had kept in contact but we'd both been so busy that we hadn't talked in a while. She remembered I was moving today so she was also checking up on me. The last message was from Andy, I hadn't heard from him at all since I left.

Andy: Hey babe, I hope everything went smoothly today. We haven't talked since you left and I've been a mess. You've probably been so busy that it hasn't affected you but it has hit me hard. Call me when you get this xxxx PS check twitter ;)

I went on to my twitter and saw that Andy had tagged me in a tweet.

"Missing my girl already! Have a freaking fab time at uni though :) xx"

Attached was a selfie we took on the bus one day where he was kissing my cheek. He was so sweet. I chuckled to myself, and Leo looked over at me curiously.

"Hey sorry is it okay if I quickly call my boyfriend? He asked if I could." I still hadn't told Leo who I was dating, seeing as she loved Black Veil Brides.

"Not at all, it's fine. You'll have to tell me about him at some point," she smiled at me. I called Andy and he picked up almost immediately.

"Babe what time is it over there?" I asked, knowing there was a time difference.

"About 1pm, remember we're behind you not in front. Don't worry I'm not staying up into the early hours of the night, waiting for you to call me. Although I probably would," he laughed down the phone.

"Good good. How are you though Andy?" I looked over at Leo to see if she recognized the name; of course not, it was the surname she'd snap at.

"I'm fine thanks, what about you? How was your moving day?"

"It was alright, the car journey was tiring. I managed to tell my dad all about my trip to America and he still doesn't believe you're the real Andy Biersack, he doesn't believe that his daughter is dating a fucking rockstar. It's hilarious!"

Now that made Leo snap, her eyes were wide at me and I giggled before nodding. Her jaw just dropped and she shook her head in disbelief.

"Babe what are you laughing at?"

"Oh my roommate is here and she freaking loves Black Veil Brides."

"Oh.... Oh dear."

"Why? What's up?"

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