Chapter 11 - Ashley's Feelings

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*Ashley's POV*

Whilst Andy was out with El the rest of us sat and watched a movie. It was called The Visit or something and it was a horror, a rather crappy one, but it was creepy all the same. The whole time Hannah was cuddled into me and I had my arm wrapped around her. She had told us that she'd seen it before with her high school friends, including El, but it still seemed to scare her.

I honestly didn't know what was going on between me and Hannah. She seemed to be giving off the vibe that she liked me but how could she feel like that towards anyone if she's been through what she has? I had talked to Jinxx about it and he didn't help, he just said ask her and find out. I can't exactly ask a girl whether she likes me or not straight up, she might get freaked out. I thought it would be a good idea to talk to Jake about it.

The movie had finished and Hannah had unravelled herself from me to go get a drink. Now was my chance.

"Jake," I whispered across the floor, "do you think Hannah likes me or nah?"

"Why am I always the one for relationship advice?" He chuckled. "I dunno though Ash, just ask her."

"Exactly what I said," Jinxx added.

"Ugh you guys aren't helpful in the slightest," I exclaimed just as Hannah walked back in.

"Everything okay?" she asked.

"Yeah the guys are just trying to help me but failing miserably."

"Help with what? Would I be of any use?"

"Pha you'd be a lot of use," Jake exclaimed. I just punched him.

"Okay then... I'm gonna leave you guys because I'm really tired, night." We all said goodnight to her and she wandered off to our bunk.

"Nice one Jake!"

"What? You were basically asking for it," he retorted at me.

"Chill out guys. you're fighting over nothing." Jinxx was always the sensible one.

"Sorry mom," I snapped before leaving the room to follow Hannah to bed.

*Hannah's POV*

"Why are you coming to bed so early?" Ash had just walked in the room.

"I could say that same to you," he replied before stripping to his boxers and climbing in next to me.

"What was that all about out there?" I asked him, confused at why he had punched Jake.

"It doesn't matter, just get some sleep if you're tired," he replied rolling so he was turned away from me.

"Ashley, please?" I never really call him his full name, my brain clearly felt it was something that I should know.

"Hannah, look okay. I asked them whether they thought you liked me because I wanted to know. You leave in a few days and I wanted to make the most of it." I think he was glad it was dark in here because he was clearly blushing like crazy.

"Ash, I'm sorry for pressing that out of you."

There was an awkward silence as he waited for my response.

"I think I would like you in that way if I hadn't been through what I have. I've always had trust issues and that has just made it a whole lot worse. I'm sorry, I really am. I want to keep in contact with you though, whilst I'm away; maybe it'll be different when we meet again."

He was silent.

"Ash?" I asked, placing my hand on his shoulder. He turned back over to face me. I could just about make out the tears beginning to run down his face.

"I've never felt like this about a girl before. I've always been a player, as you've probably heard. One girl after another. You seem different, I don't know. Maybe it's just me being jealous of some of the other guys having girlfriends and I mean Andy just met El and they instantly hit it off. I've never had an issue with attracting girls, only an issue with keeping them. And now I've lost you before even having you. But I'm confused because I'm never this emotional about being rejected or even when someone splits up with me." He was full on crying now so I just sat him up and pulled him into a hug.

"Firstly you haven't lost me, I'm leaving yes but I want to keep talking with you. Just while my I sort out my mental state. And don't worry, maybe you are jealous of the others, maybe you're not. Who knows? But you'll always have them, they're always gonna be there for you and so will me and El." His crying had eased up and his breathing settled.

"Thanks Hannah," he smiled through his tears and lay back down, "I appreciate it."

I lay down next to him and he hugged me as we fell asleep, both now knowing for sure that it was just as friends for now.

*Andy's POV*

The evening with El had been amazing. I was just really sad now that she actually had to leave. Who knew when I was going to see her next, she was going back to Britain to go to university. She told me she didn't know if she would have the time or money to come out and see me, I would try my best to go out to see her but the band is in full swing at the moment. We would have to see where time takes us.

We walked into the bus to see Jinxx and Jake staring at their phones and CC asleep on the sofa.

"Well looks like the party was amazing," El chuckled. I joined in as I saw Jake's unimpressed face. He didn't let up though, maybe something was wrong.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Jake and Ash had a bit of a go at each other," Jinxx explained.

"Oh. Should I ask why? Or just stay out of it?" They never usually fight though.

"Probably best to stay out of it if I were you," Jinxx continued. I just nodded, wished everyone goodnight and headed after El to our bunk. As I passed Ash's room I knocked on the door and there was no answer so I slowly opened it and saw him and Hannah both fast asleep. I backed out, closed the door and went into my own room.

"Are they okay?" El asked, clearly concerned for her friends.

"Should be yeah, they never properly fight though. Hopefully it'll have blown over by tomorrow." I climbed into bed next to my girl and turned off the light; the moonlight however shone though the skylight in the roof and lit up her face.

"Wow I'm going to miss you. I know I keep saying this but it feels like I've known you for so long and now you've got to go," I shared my thoughts with the room.

"I'm going to cry so much when I leave. My mascara's going to go everywhere." I smiled at her remark; she seems to be able to make even the saddest times a little happier.

"I don't know much about you. You probably know a lot about me, I'm famous, but I want to learn more about you." I had realised how little I actually knew about her past.

"Well where should I start? I live with my dad, well I will be going to uni soon but that's where I've always lived. My brother works in Malaysia in the oil business, he's 25," she continued for a while until I asked about her mother.

"My mum passed away a few years ago due to cancer. She had been battling it for years and beat it so many times but it just kept coming back." She had started to tear up remembering it all and I had started to cry just listening. I pulled her into my arms and stroked her hair; she always seemed to calm down when I did this.

"You don't have to carry on if you don't want to. If it's too much, just stop."

"No I want to tell you," she sobbed into my shoulder. She then went on to tell me her ups and downs in her life and things that were important to her. We lay there for what seemed like hours talking about her life and her morals and what I agreed on and what I thought. Afterwards I honestly felt as if I'd known her for years.

"Thank you for teaching me about yourself." I leant my head into her neck and kissed it.

"Thank you for listening to me drone on," she giggled. "Maybe tomorrow night I can learn more about you. The media doesn't know everything after all."

"You were not droning on, I could listen to your voice for days. And sure, I'd be up for that."

With that she kissed my cheek, closed her eyes and we were soon both asleep.

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