Chapter 3 - Sleep

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*Hannah's POV*

We were back on the bus. El was sitting next to Andy on the sofa and I was curled up next to Ashley on the floor. The others had gone to bed about an hour ago but us four were happy chatting and watching a movie. Ashley clearly liked me, he was such a flirt. He wasn't really my type but I went along with it anyway because who knows, things can change. He seemed a nice guy and damn he was fit.

"So you guys clearly aren't American. Tell us where you're from and why you're here," Ashley spoke up from beside me.

"We're from England as you can probably tell; from the east to be more precise. We decided to come here because we've been best friends for so many years and we've both turned 18 fairly recently so we decided to have a holiday out here," El explained to the room.

"Awesome." Andy was clearly tired; he was drifting off.

"Mate you look trashed," Ashley chuckled.

"Well unlike you I actually need sleep to function."

"You two sound just like me and El," I laughed, seeing the familiarity.

"Yup..." El agreed, she herself was tired too and her eyes kept closing as she leant her head on Andy.

"You guys should probably get to sleep and we'll head back to our apartment," I suggested. The two guys nodded.

*Andy's POV*

Both El and I were really sleepy. She was laying her head on my shoulder and I could feel how heavy it was. We both needed to rest. The other two though seemed wide awake, chatting and laughing and in general being quite loud. It was a welcome relief when Hannah saw how tired we were, because she then suggested we all made our way to our own beds. I felt sorry for them though they probably had quite a walk back to their apartment.

"Guys it's really late and I don't know about you but I don't want you walking to wherever you're staying because there may be a repeat of what happened earlier and this time there wouldn't be anyone to see it." I spoke my mind because I really didn't want to have to send out a search party for them tomorrow.

"That's true." Ashley agreed. "Maybe you should stay with us for tonight."

The two girls glanced at each other and made a silent decision.

"Sure, as long as we can go back tomorrow because we are paying to stay there," El said. I laughed to myself and she looked up at me.

"What's so funny Mr. Biersack?"

I laughed again.

"You," I replied smiling at her sleepy face.

"I'm glad I make you laugh." Her words were faint and she was drifting off to sleep next to me.

"Time for sleep now I think," I said as I rose from the sofa and carried her down the small corridor to my bunk at the end. Ashley followed me with Hannah behind him. I assumed they would be sharing a bunk because they had gotten quite close and after all Ashley had dibsed her. They turned off into Ashley's room and closed the door behind them. I did the same with mine after placing El on my bunk.

*El's POV*

Andy placed me on his bunk and went over to close the door. I watched him and smiled, still not believing that this whole thing is real. He turned around and caught my eye, returned the smile and walked over. He sat down next to me and undressed down to his boxers and reached over to his pillow and passed me the oversized t-shirt that he had picked up. I took off my shorts and top and placed the shirt over my head, removing my bra skillfully from underneath. I then lay back in the bunk and Andy pulled the covers over me before slipping in himself.

"I still can't believe this is real," I whispered to Andy.

"Well you better start believing it," he replied. He then wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me on the cheek. I grinned and curled up into his embrace, my head resting on his chest.

It was a couple of days later and I woke up in a pool of light from the sunroof in Andy's bunk room. I turned to look next to me but the bed was empty so I got up. I grabbed some of Andy's sweatpants and put on my bra from the previous day and walked out and down the corridor to the main area in the bus. There was Jinxx, Jake and Hannah sitting on the sofas eating cereal and toast. They had a few days off from their tour that were scheduled because they were in their home town.

"Where are the others?" I asked, confused at the fact Andy wasn't to be seen.

"Andy and Ashley have gone out and CC is still asleep," Jake replied.

"Oh okay. Do you know where they went?"

"I have no idea sorry! But I'm sure they'll be back soon," Jinxx said with a wink. I smiled.

*Andy's POV*

We had found the details of the apartment the girls were staying in on a piece of paper that must have fallen out of one of their pockets. Me and Ashley wanted to go collect all of their things because we were on tour for another month and a half and it meant they could stay with us for the majority of the rest of the tour. It was a risk because they might not want to but they can always go back there if they want to.

We arrived at the apartment block and walked up the main steps to the floor they were on but of course the door was locked.

"We're gonna have to climb in through the window or something," Ashley pointed out.

"Okay but how the hell do we even get there?" I was cross because I really wanted to do this for them as a surprise.

"Ask a neighbour?" he suggested.

"Mate they're not gonna let two guys onto a random balcony."

"Fair enough but it's worth a try isn't it?"

"I--" before I had time to finish my sentence however he was already knocking on the adjacent apartment's door.

"For God's sake Ash. " Sometimes I swear he's an idiot.

Some elderly woman answered the door and smiled up at Ash.

"Hi young man what would you like?"

"Hello madam, I know this sounds crazy but we've locked ourselves out of our apartment, it's the one next to yours. Do you think we could climb over and in through the balcony?"

"I thought two girls were staying there though, on holiday?" she replied, clearly confused and suspicious.

"Well yes but they are our girlfriends, we are staying on the floor above and they wanted us to come collect their stuff because we are travelling elsewhere later today." 
Ashley you liar - I love you sometimes. I chuckled to myself, trying to hide from the lady.

"Ah I see! Well of course if that's what you need to do," she smiled. "And feel free to come back through here as well if you need to."

"Thank you so much," I added.

We went into her apartment and followed her through to the balcony. The whole place smelt of grandparents, that sickly sweet but comforting smell. It reminded me of my childhood when I used to go visit my grandpa on a regular basis. He was a massive influence of mine.

"Oi, you alright?" I had teared up thinking about it and Ashley had noticed.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Just memories," I replied, sniffing back the tears and climbing out after Ash. We managed to get quite easily onto the girls balcony because they were fairly close together but found the balcony door locked as well.

"Shit," I exclaimed. "What do we do now?"

"Look," Ash pointed out, "their bathroom window is open." Luckily the bathroom window was still over the balcony so we could get in through there. Inside we found a spare door key hanging up on the coat rack next to the front door so we could get back out through the proper entrance when we had collected everything.

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