Chapter 2 - Meeting Their Idols

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*El's POV*

My head hurt. It really hurt. I opened my eyes to bright lights. I was lying on a sofa in a room I didn't recognise. I bolted up and nearly passed out again because of the pain that ran though my back.

"Calm down, you're gonna hurt yourself more," a soothing young male voice spoke out in the quiet.

"Who-who are you?" I stuttered, struggling with my seering headache.

"My name's Josh I'm one of the technicians here."

"Where is here?" I answered, not quite understanding.

"Black Veil Brides, I'm one of their technicians."

"Black Veil Brides? What but-but we didn't make it to the concert."

"No, you got mugged by two men outside the BVB bus. Your friend screamed and they came out to see what had happened. They took you in here because they felt as if they couldn't leave you on their bus whilst they perform."

"So they're on now?" I said, not quite believing my all time favourite band saved me and Hannah.

"Yes, they're nearly finished I think," Josh replied. I'd missed it for god’s sake.


At this the door opened and Hannah walked in. What? Where had she been?

"Oh hey sleepy head," she was happy.

"What?" I was confused.

"I have just been watching the show from the side of the stage but they're about done so I thought I'd come check how you were doing!"

"You just left me here whilst you were watching my favourite band from the side of the stage?" I was furious.

"Um yeah... I couldn't wake you mate, I'm sorry! You were passed out!" she sounded worried that she had angered me but I didn’t care.

The door swung open for a second time and in walked my heroes.

"Hey, you're awake now! You alright?"

Andy Biersack spoke to me.

"Uh yeah I'm fine thanks," I said with a smile.

"Good good!" he replied coming to sit down next to me. I held my breath.

Can somebody pinch me?" I ask nervously.

"Why?" Hannah asks, clueless. I thought we could read each other’s minds?

"Because this has to be a dream, it's too good to be real."

Andy chuckles and looks at me.

"Oh it's real," Jinxx said as he slumped into a beanbag.

"You may have grazes all over your face where that dick pushed you to the ground but I think you're pretty cute." Andy whispered so no-one but Jake who was next to the sofa heard. I blushed crimson and looked away.

*Andy's POV*

I chuckled I had only told her what I thought but she blushed bright red. She was pretty. I just wanted to be alone with this girl, I didn't even know her name but I wanted to talk to her and learn everything about her.

"So you girls haven't even told us your names," Ashley just voiced my thoughts.

"I'm Hannah," the tall girl with long dark brown hair and freckles spoke. She was beautiful, but seemed too shy for my type.

"I'm Eleanor, but everyone calls me El," the girl next to me spoke up. She had pale purple dyed hair and her natural light brown was showing at the roots. Her brown eyes were lined with makeup making them larger than usual and her lips had a clear gloss on them intensifying her smile. She was gorgeous.

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