Chapter 20 - Dumped

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*Jared’s POV*

El had texted me saying she had made a decision. I was freaked out, I loved her and she may not be mine for much longer.

I stepped up to her door and knocked, it opened and I could tell straight away she had been crying. I pulled her into a hug and in that moment neither of us were worried about what was to come. She soon pulled away though and my anxieties came flooding back. She took me in and we sat down on the sofa.

“Jay, thank you. Thank you for everything you’ve ever done for me and everything you’re ever going to do for me. I love you but from now on it’ll be as friends, no more.”

My heart fell out of my body in that second but I said nothing as she continued,

“I’ve chosen Andy for many reasons, I can tell you them if you want but I think instead you will want to hear what I have to say about you. I love you, I really do. You’re an incredible person and will forever be in my heart. We will still see each other and hang out and go to the gym together. The thing is I know we can still be amazing friends whereas with Andy it’s all or nothing.”

Tears were flowing down her face and I could tell it hurt her so much to say. I didn’t know how to react; I had just lost the most amazing girl in my life and my heart felt crushed yet at the same time I understood where she was coming from, not that I wanted to understand. I wanted to be angry, I wanted to cry but I just sat there and stared at her. She saw the shock on my face and collapsed onto my chest.

“I’m so sorry Jay; this was the toughest thing I’ve ever done...”

“It’s okay,” I said stroking her hair, “It’s probably best I head off now though; I’ll see you round.”

With that I got up and kissed her one last time before going back to my small apartment. The second I got out of her building the tears began to stream down my face; I started to jog, I didn’t want to meet anyone I knew whilst in this state.

*El’s POV*

I sat on my sofa crying my eyes out when my phone rang. I really didn’t want to talk to anyone right now but I checked and saw it was Hannah so thought I should probably answer.

“Hello?” I sniffled.

“Oh god, what’s happened?” she sighed.

“Fuck. I um,” I hesitated, “I dumped Jay, for Andy.” I answered before bursting into tears again.

“Shit El. That’s what you meant by doing something that was going to hurt. Damn, have you talked to Andy again then?”

“Yeah I spoke to him a couple of days ago and told him what I was going to do but I haven’t talked to him since.”

My conversation with my best friend continued for about half an hour before she had to go to her meal with her date who I had now found out was called Gustav.

It was a couple of days later that decided I should call Andy to tell him everything.

“Hey El, everything okay?”

“It will be soon; I hope,” I replied.

“How come it isn’t now?”

“Well I broke up with Jared,”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” he sounded awkward.

“Andy it’s not your fault that I broke up with him; I know that’s what you’re thinking but it was my choice.”

“Okay, thanks but I’m still going to blame myself.”

“Andy stop, you’re being pathetic,” I said.

“Sorry,” he said, “take your time with things and I’ll take mine; I’m here when you’re ready.”

“Thanks Andy, you mean a lot to me,” I said.

“I’m always here for you El and I don’t expect you to say the same but I love you,” he spoke with sincerity in his voice.

“You’re right I can’t yet but give me time; Jay has been a big part of my life so I can’t just cut him out. I’m sure you understand that.”

“Of course I do,” he replied.

We talked for a few more minutes before I hung up making some excuse that my roommate Leo wanted me. After that call we texted most days and I understood why I had made that decision, Andy truly was right for me.

There were only a couple of days left before the Easter holidays. I saw Jay around occasionally and we still went to the gym together but it was taking a while to get over what we had had. I had also booked a holiday to go to California with Hannah for two weeks in the break; I felt like I needed to see the band.

On the weekend after all of the universities broke up I packed what I needed and headed down to London on the train. I stayed with Hannah for a couple of days before we left for the USA. The time together was needed for both of us because we had a lot to catch up on.

“So what’s this Gustav like then?” I asked in the tube on the way to her apartment from the train station.

“He’s so sweet and totally my kinda guy.” She raved about him for the rest of the journey and told me how they met and the kind of dates they had been on.

“So, anything happened?”

“What do you mean?” she looked at me innocently so I raised my eyebrows and she got my hint.

“Ohh, umm maybe?” That was totally a yes.

“Hannah, tell me everything!”

“Well he knew I wasn’t going to be around much in the holidays so we decided to make the most of it, you know a goodbye gesture,” We both burst into laughter.

“You’ll have to tell me the details later!”

“Yeah I will don’t worry; god girls are so gross,” she giggled.

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