Chapter 17 - Hook Ups + Dates (Part 2)

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*Jared’s POV*

I started walking to collect El from her dorm at about 2.45pm; I wanted to stop by at Waitrose to get her some flowers first.

*knock knock*

She opened the door and smiled at me.

“These are for you,” I handed her the flowers.

“Jared, you didn’t have to,” she smiled. Her smile was cute.

“Yes I did. Anyway, you ready?”

“Let me just grab my bag,” she replied before heading back inside for a second.

We headed to a lovely little coffee shop which I often frequented that was just down the road. About halfway there she reached her hand out and held mine; her hand was cold and mine warm so I held it tight to warm it up. She just looked up at me and smiled a warm smile.

“You’re cute,” she said.

“I mean I like puppies but I’d prefer not to be compared to them. I don’t think I’d have a chance.”

El just giggled,

“Don’t push your luck mister.”

“Oh come on,” I laughed.

“What?” she laughed. “I haven’t done anything.”

“It doesn’t matter, we’re here now.”

“Ahhh good, I’m looking forward to my hot chocolate.”

I chuckled,

“And I’m looking forward to my coffee.”

We stepped inside and walked over to the counter. The warmth of the tiny shop was welcome and there weren’t many people inside due to it being a Thursday afternoon. I told El to head over to my usual place in the window seat and warm herself up whilst I got the drinks.

“Hey Jared,” The barrister said to me, “Who’s the girl?”

Brendon was one of my close friends who worked at the coffee shop; I often came here to see him in his breaks.

“She’s called El, goes to uni with me and I finally got round to asking her out, so I brought her here.”

“Nice one. You want your usual? And what about the lady?”

“Yes the usual is great thanks; she’d like a hot chocolate.”

“Cream and marshmallows too?”

“Yes please!” El calls across the cafe, clearly she can hear us.

“One hot chocolate with marshmallows and cream coming up,” Brendon chuckled.

*El’s POV*

Jared is a really nice guy. Our coffee date went really well and I’m glad we made the move from being just friends to something more.

“Well will I see you tonight at the gym?” he said to me as we walked back to my dorm.

“I was going to have a day off actually; do you want to come round? Leo is out with friends tonight I believe.”

“Hey, slow down tiger,” Jared chuckled.

“I didn’t mean it like that Jay, give me a break,” I laughed along with him.

“Jay? I like that, a lot.”

“Good, cause I’m gonna start calling you that.” I looked at him, “You gonna come round then or not?”

“Yeah sure, lemme go dump my stuff and then I’ll be over. I have pizza in the freezer do you want me to bring it?”

“Okay that sounds great.” With that he left and I headed inside my building.

*Jared’s POV*

We had watched a couple of movies before I started to feel hungry. I began to unravel myself from El’s arms and get off the couch.

“Oi, where are you going?” she asked.

“I’m putting on the oven, pizza is calling.”

“Alright then,” she said getting up and heading to the kitchen area too.

“I’m glad that the transition from friends has been easy,” I said out of nowhere.

“Jay, it’s been about a day.”

“Yeah but it’s not awkward and I’m really glad.”

“So am I,” she said before wrapping her arms around my shoulders.

“Just kiss me.”

And she did just that.

*Ashley’s POV*

Andy was around mine again. No matter how hard I tried he still won’t shut up about El.

“What about this Juliet girl then?” I asked.

“She was good in bed but didn’t seem like my kind of girl otherwise,” he replied.

“Well why don’t you talk to her about you two just hooking up once in a while?” Andy’s face was priceless at the thought. “I mean I don’t know her situation but she might be up for it and it’d sort out your horny male brain.”

“Ashley, I don’t know. She seemed like she wanted more than just sex.”

“Can’t hurt to ask,” I pointed out.

“Fine, I’ll text her.”

*Juliet’s POV*

I didn’t really know Andy but he was good in bed I can’t deny that. He had just text me asking whether I was up for another night. I replied saying that it sounded good and he told me he’d be round mine later.

I heard a knock on my apartment door just after 10.

“How did you get into the block?” I asked.

“Some guy let me in at the door,” he replied. He looked really hot today, when he wasn’t drunk or hung-over.

“Awesome, so do you want a drink or something?”

“Nah I’m good thanks,” he replied, his voice slightly husky. Damn.

“Okay, I’m going to get myself a glass of wine. Why don’t you go choose a movie?”

“Sure thing.”

Once I had poured myself a glass of wine I wandered into the living room where Andy has chosen to watch Batman.

“You’re that kinda guy then?”

He chuckled,

“Yeah, Batman is my thing although I mainly chose it because I’ve watched them all so many times it won’t matter if I miss a bit.” With that he winked at me and patted the sofa next to him. I walked over and curled up next to him with my head resting on his shoulder.

When Batman kissed Catwoman Andy turned to me and lifted my mouth to his. Tongues intertwined and hands explored before we ended up in my bedroom.

Andy is an animal in bed. I’m going to be doing this a lot more often.

The next morning he asked me if I was looking for more than just his body. I explained that I was very busy at the moment and if he was alright with it I’d prefer to just keep him as a hook up. He said that’s what he was hoping for and it worked with him. So he left, not to be seen until next time.

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