Chapter 23 - Graduation

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*El’s POV*

My final year of uni went by quickly with the whole of the last term of it being study leave for final exams anyway. I aced my exams and got a first which opened me up to so many job opportunities. I rung up my job advisor and we talked for ages. After finishing my CV I sent it off to the places she suggested and now it was time to wait. I decided to ring up Hannah as it was already a week into the summer holidays and I wanted to meet up with her before my graduation in a week’s time.

“Hey!” she said cheerily down the phone. “How’s my favourite?”

“Haha hey Hannah. I’m good what about you? I heard you got a 2.1 congrats! Thought about any jobs yet?”

“I’ve sent off my CV and I’m assuming you have too! What did you get again?”

“First of course. Joking I had to work way too hard for that!” I heard her chuckle down the phone as she congratulated me.

“Hey I’m heading to see my parents at the weekend do you think you can make it? They’d love to see you after all this time I mean you were practically an extra child of theirs when we were younger.”

“Sounds amazing but I have my graduation the Monday afterwards. Do you think they could come up here? They can always come to the ceremony if they want.”

“I’m sure they’d love that!”

That Saturday we were getting ready for a girls night on the town when my laptop pinged to tell me I had an email.

“I’m going to check this in case it’s a job offer.”

“Mkay,” Hannah replied from the bathroom with her mouth wide open as she put on her mascara.


“What?” She ran out to where I was.

“This is an international company that say that although they don’t have anywhere in Britain or Europe at the moment they have placements in California, Nevada and Utah where they would value my skill set! Hannah I could go live out in America.”

“And see Andy and the guys every weekend.” She finished my sentence for me. “Girl you have to! Call your dad now, another hour before we leave won’t hurt.”

*Andy’s POV*

I woke up as the light of my phone flooded my room with El’s name on the screen so I reached over to my bedside table and answered it.

“Hey Andy,” her voice sounded down the phone.

“Hey, not that I don’t like hearing your voice but it’s 3am here babe,” I replied my voice rough with sleep.

“Oh my god I’m so sorry! I completely forgot to check the time difference.”

“Don’t worry; it’s clearly something important I can hear it in your voice.”

“Okay so I got a job offer back today that is the first one that has caught my attention.” She paused for breath as she was speaking so fast.

“El, calm down you’re speaking way too fast,” I tried to settle her down.


“Don’t be, but go on.”

“It has placements in California, Nevada and Utah! Andy I could see you every weekend,” I could hear the excitement in her voice.

“Babe that’s amazing! But don’t take up an offer only because it means you can see me and the guys; I want it to be the one that uses your intelligence to the full and gives you the best pay – the job you deserve.”

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