Chapter 6 - Fight

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*El's POV*

After about an hour and a half Ashley and Hannah emerged from their room. Andy, Jinxx, Jake and CC and I had been watching daytime TV but talking over it most of the time. We thought it would be wise to keep the TV on even though we weren't really watching it to would block out the noise Ash and Hannah were making.

"You've got your T-shirt on backwards," I said to Hannah barely even looking over at them.

"It’s a fashion statement," she replied and sat down next to me. I shuffled closer to Andy to make room for her on the small sofa.

"Did you have a good time?" CC asked Ashley.

"Fabulous thanks!" Ash grinned at him. I turned to Hannah and smirked. She just giggled and then blushed.

"You'll be glad Jake didn't ask you in front of all the others like that," Andy whispered into my ear. I looked up at him, nodded and rolled my eyes before resting my head back on his chest.

That night the guys had a show. We had been travelling most of the day and got to the venue at about 4pm. They all went in for sound check and Hannah and I decided to stay in the bus and chill.

"Me and Andy had sex last night," I said into the silence.

"You what?" she looked stunned.

"Well I thought I'd tell you; you are my best friend after all! And especially seeing as you and ash got it on earlier," I replied smiling.

"Me and Ash didn't 'get it on' it was all a joke."

"What you didn't? We all thought you did." now I was shocked.

"He said he'd tell the guys at the sound check it was a joke. So I thought I'd tell you now. Then you come out with that!" she seemed angry at me. What had I done wrong?

"Why are you yelling at me? What have I done?" I questioned her.

"You've only known him for what? A week?" she seemed stressed at my decision.

"Hannah, I know you are the kind of person who has to build loads of trust up before doing anything like that. Which is why I was surprised at the thought of you and Ashley. But I'm not like that! Sex builds relationships, it strengthens your bond and even if Andy and I don't stay together for as long as we both want, it was a great experience." I tried to explain my thought process to the wall that was her brain.

"Okay I just don't think you should've done that so early on," she didn't accept it.

"Hannah, please! It's my life, my choices and I chose to do that okay? I know you have different thoughts about the whole thing, but that's you not me!" At that I stood up and walked out of the bus. I was fed up and wanted to see the guys.

*Andy's POV*

"Hey what are you doing here? Thought you were chilling on the bus with Hannah?" Jake spoke and I turned around to see El in the doorway. I smiled at her but she didn't reciprocate.

"We had an argument," she said bluntly and sat down. "Carry on, I don't wanna disrupt."

I must go talk to her when I have a free second. Her and Hannah don't usually fight, they said that themselves.

"Hey." I finally had a free moment whilst they were checking CC's drums. "What happened between you and Hannah?"

She looked up at me and sighed.

"I told her about us having sex and she got all motherly and said how I shouldn't have done that after only knowing you for a week or whatever. I'm fed up with her trying to tell me how to live; I have different thoughts than her about things like this!"

"Well you clearly don't think she's in any place to tell you what to do but isn't she just saying what she thinks?" She just looked at me. After I didn't reply she decided to explain her look of disapproval.

"I know her and that was a 'telling me I've done wrong moment' not a 'well this is what I would've done moment'. There's a big difference."

"Okay but you do feel as though what you did was right don't you? You don't regret it?" I was concerned that I'd led her into something that wasn't usual for her.

"I don't regret it one second! I felt comfortable doing what we did, it's just Hannah thinks we took things too fast."

"I get it; do you wanna stay here for the rest of sound check? I can get you a drink or something whilst you wait." I now understood and she clearly didn't want to go back to face Hannah by herself so I thought she could relax a bit here first.

"Yes please," she replied before pecking me on the lips.

I went off and soon came back with lemonade from the bar backstage. She thanked me and I went back to the sound check.

*Hannah's POV*

God damn it. Why does she always do this? She always goes headfirst into a relationship and then gets her heart broken too soon. I don't want that to happen again, especially with Andy. He's her idol after all. And we always fight about it; she always defends herself when I'm just trying to help her and then she just storms off. I've just been sitting on this bus alone for half an hour and I don't know how long sound checks usually last.

Finally the door opens and Ash, CC and Jinxx walk in, closing the door again behind them to keep the heat out.

"Where are the others?" I ask, wondering what the hell she's told them.

"I dunno, gone off somewhere together," Jinxx said as he sat down next to me and turned the TV on. I just sighed and watched whatever crappy television was on at this time.

Another hour went by and it was nearing show time before the other three came back.

"Where have you been?" Ash said.

"Out," Andy replied bluntly.

"Well yeah we can see that." Ashley muttered but still loud enough for most to hear.

Jake sat on one of the beanbags in the corner and got out his phone whereas Andy and El walked straight past and into their room.

"We should probably start getting ready," he yelled down the bus. There was a mumble of agreement and then everyone but me got up and started moving around.

They had collected all they needed and we then headed out into the venue for them to get changed and prepped. El was still ignoring me.

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