Chapter 10 - Date Night

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*Andy's POV*

It wasn't long before the girls had to go back. They were due to stay another two weeks but Hannah's parents had pressed them to come home a week early because of the misfortune that had happened. They tried to get the girls to go back with them but they wanted to stay longer with us which I found really sweet.

I was leaning against the side of the bus smoking when Jake came out.

"You alright?" he asked me, clearly he had picked up on my recent sadness.

"Yeah, I just can't believe they're leaving next week. I mean I haven't even made it official with El yet." That was my main worry; I hadn't even asked her to be my girlfriend.

"That's true. Well why not take her on a date?" Jake suggested as I crushed my fag under the heel of my boot.

"When though?"

"Our next travel day is Tuesday, you'll have to check where we'll be though," he said before heading back into the bus. I followed after him and found everyone in a circle on the floor talking.

"What's this? A cult meeting?" Jake teased.

"Nah we've just all picked up on Hannah's obsession for sitting on the floor," Jinxx replied straight faced.

"We started on the sofas I promise," CC added, like a child who'd done wrong.

"Well carry on then," I said, sitting on the empty sofa; Jake followed suit. El then stood up and motioned for me to shuffle so she could curl up next to me. She rested her head on my chest and the others struck up conversation again.

Later that evening we had a show and I took the chance to ask my manager where we would be on Tuesday. He told me we wouldn't have enough time to stop then but we'd have half a day free Wednesday evening so I could take her out; he also let me know where about we would be so I could look up potential date spots.

*El's POV*

Andy has been acting really weird recently. He keeps disappearing randomly and then comes back without explaining himself. I just ignored it mostly but it was beginning to get on my nerves.

"Andy please tell me what on earth you're doing?" I hoped he wouldn't be defensive.

"Babe, okay I can understand why my actions have been weird."

"Er just a bit, yeah..."

"But it's all for a good reason, you'll know soon enough," he replied kissing my cheek. That settled me a bit. Hopefully he wasn't just messing with me until I left in a few days.


It was early evening and Andy finally emerged from down the bus and came and sat next to me.

"Come with me," he whispered in my ear. He got up again and grabbed my hand before pulling me to our room at the back of the bus. I walked in and saw on the bed a beautiful black skater dress with lace detail and lace sleeves that ended halfway down the forearm. On the floor were a pair of black pumps with a buckled strap to go around the ankle.

I heard Andy come up behind me; he hugged my waist and put his head on my shoulder so we were both looking at the dress.

"Do you like it?" he whispered, his warm breath on my neck. I turned around, held his face and kissed him. No explanation needed, it was beautiful.

"But Andy, why?" I was confused as to why he had bought me these.

"I wanted to take you out this evening, if that's okay with you?" he smiled at me waiting for my approval. I couldn't help myself, I just kissed him again. He picked me up and spun me around before placing me back down.

"We leave at six, I'll leave you to get ready." And with that he went. I picked the dress up and held it up to myself. It was gorgeous.

*Andy's POV*

I had already gotten ready so I was sitting with the guys in the lounge area on the bus. Once I'd told Hannah that I was taking El out she ran to help her get ready.

"It's such a girl thing to do," Ash spoke into the silence, almost as if he's read my mind. "Helping each other get ready I mean."

"Yeah it is, but it's cute," I replied. Everyone else hadn't really taken much notice we were all on our phones either on social media or texting people.

"How's Inna?" I asked Jake.

"She's good, staying with family at the moment so she's not in the country," he replied glancing up to meet my eyes.

"Awesome," I said, trailing off again to silence.

Eventually I heard the door open and then close so I stood up. El walked down the corridor in the dress and shoes I'd gotten her. My jaw dropped to the floor. She had curled her hair slightly and put more makeup on than usual and she looked beautiful.

"You look stunning!" I said cupping her face with my hands before hugging her tightly.

"You don't look half bad yourself," she replied blushing heavily. I took her hand and the others wished us a good time as I lead her out of the bus. We were pretty close to a nice restaurant that I had booked so we walked the five minute walk there.

*El's POV*

We arrived hand in hand at a lovely little restaurant that Andy had booked for us. It wasn't very posh but it was really stylish.

"A booking under the name Biersack," Andy spoke to the waitress on the door. She led us upstairs to a window seat that overlooked the rooftops and the sea. I gasped.

"I didn't know we were by the sea here!"

"It's beautiful isn't it," the waitress responded as she lit a couple of candles and placed them by the bouquet of flowers on the table.

Andy pulled out my chair and let me sit down before taking his seat himself.

"Thank you so much for this Andy," I said taking his hands in mine.

"Well not only did I feel it was a nice thing to do; there is a reason I took you out," he seemed nervous; he didn't meet my eyes as he spoke. I nodded at him to carry on.

"El we've been together for a while but it hasn't been official. So, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course Andy," I exclaimed, reaching forward and kissing his cheek.

We had just finished our meal, the food was incredible. Andy led me outside and turned to go the opposite way to which we came.

"Babe, the bus is back that way."

"Yeah I know, but the sea is this way," he replied smiling at my face that had just lit up with childish excitement for the beach.

We sat on the sand, my legs over his and my head resting on his shoulder. Our hands were interlocked and we didn't speak, we just watched the sun set and the orange seep across the water.

Soon the sun was gone and the sea breeze was beginning to get chilly. I sat up and looked into his eyes, I was gonna miss them so badly. I was gonna miss him.

"I'm going to miss this, miss you, miss everyone," I said into the cool night air.

"I'm going to miss you too, so so much." Andy leant his forehead on mine and then brought my chin up and kissed me. It lasted for a quite while before we decided to stand up. We then dusted the sand off of ourselves and began walking back to the bus. It had been a beautiful evening with an even more beautiful man.

Love Spans Oceans - Andy Biersack fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now