Chapter 14 - Worry

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*Andy's POV*

El and I got into a habit of calling each other once a week and texting each other whenever we could. She found out that she had set up the worldwide thing on her phone from her trip over here, so didn't have to pay a crazy amount for that phone call and will only have to pay a little bit extra each month for the feature. She told me she was doing fine at uni and was in fairly frequent contact with Hannah so that was great news.

Most of the guys were either with family or friends for the winter season. I however, was in my apartment in LA watching TV most days. Ash had called up asking whether he could come over at the weekend so I told him I was free until much nearer Christmas when I was due to go to my parent's in Cincinnati.

The weekend soon came and Ash and I ended up staying up the whole of Saturday night discussing everything imaginable.

"How's El? I'm assuming you've been in contact with her," he asked me at some early hour in the morning.

"She's good yeah. Doing well at uni and she's met loads of new people that she's now friends with."

"Awesome, let's just hope she doesn't find another guy," he trailed off.

"Yeah that's been running through my head over and over again I have to admit."

"I really hope she doesn't for your sake but even if she did you may never know."

"That's the scary thing." Ash was right. I was scared I was going to lose her for a more intelligent or younger guy that was closer to home.

We sat around talking about life and other shit for a few more hours until the sun started to peak around the curtains in my living room. I got up and went to make some coffee; strangely I wasn't too tired.

"Make me some won't you?" Ash called from the across the hall.

"Will do," I replied.

As the kettle was boiling I looked out of my window over the city. It was fucking beautiful with the early morning sunlight on it. I went to get my phone and take a photo. I posted it to Instagram and Twitter with the caption:

"I wish you were here to see this, it's almost as beautiful as you."

I tagged El and put my phone on the table. Almost immediately however a notification came through I picked my phone back up and unlocked it.

"You're so fucking cute, I miss you tons!" El had replied on Twitter. My phone suddenly pinged again and I saw that she had posted a photo and tagged me in it. I opened it on Instagram. It was her laying down on some grass with the sun on her face and trees in the background. Someone else had taken the photo and I was curious as to who it was but she looked gorgeous. She had captioned it "missing my main man" I chuckled and commented,

"You still look as gorgeous as I remember."

"Can you two stop being so fucking cute?" Ashley yelled from the other room. Clearly he had been keeping up. I just laughed.

"You've got to remember this guy got rejected!" he pointed out.

"I'm sorry mate. I'm just doing what I do best." I strolled into the living room having made the coffee. I handed one to Ash.

"I didn't know you were good at anything. Please tell me more," he joked.

"Piss off," I retorted sipping my coffee.

*El's POV*

Andy was so cute sometimes.

I posted that picture of me in the park on campus as I was hanging out with my friends. There was Leo, my roommate; Meagan, a girl from one of my classes; Caspian, the guy from across the hall in my accommodation block and Jared, who I met at the uni's gym. Leo and Caspian were Scottish, Jared came from London and Meagan was from South Africa.

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