Chapter 15 - The End

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*Hannah's POV*

After my phone call with El I considered for a few days whether I should consult Ashley about this Jared guy. I eventually decided I could trust him not to tell Andy until El has made her mind up so I found his contact and pressed the call button.

"Hey Ash, it's me."

"Oh my god! Hannah how are you?" Ash replied, sounding astonished that I'd called.

"I'm great," I paused. "Well I've been through some shit but I'm seeing someone about it so it's solving itself."

"Do you wanna talk about it? I'm here to listen if you need."

"Thanks Ash but I'd prefer not to, I'll maybe tell you about it when I see you again in person." I didn't really want him to know, not now anyway. I'd already told El and that had been hard enough. To retell what I felt and saw when I had those nightmares was a horrible feeling.

"Okay that's fine. I hope you resolve this issue and hopefully it won't be too long before we see each other again. But you must have called for some reason, what is it?"

"You promise you won't tell Andy anything?"

"It depends what it is I guess," he trailed off.

"No Ash, this is serious I have to trust you not to."

"Okay, I promise."

"Good. I was on the phone to El the other day and she said she's found another guy," I paused for breath but that gave Ashley enough time to begin speaking.

"Shit. I knew that would happen; El is going to draw in other guy, that’s just the nature of her. Andy's always going to be at risk," he sounded really stressed.

"Chill! Ash don't rush to conclusions. I tried to convince her that she'll regret it if she dumps Andy because he's her idol and she's always looked up to him and I mean they're clearly in love. She said she'll wait and see whether her feelings for this guy progress. I hope to God that they don't but we'll have to wait and see."

"I was literally talking to Andy about this a couple of weeks ago; I can't believe it's actually happening."

"Ash, please calm down! El will come to her senses it'll be okay; she's not that stupid."

"But what if this other guy is perfect for her? I mean I think Andy is perfect for her, but what if?" He was definitely freaked out for his best friend.

"ASHLEY! God damn it Ash, calm down. Andy is perfect for her and she'll realise that, just stop stressing."

"Okay, I'm sorry but Andy is my best friend and he's so in love with her; I don't know how he'd react if he lost her. I don't really want to know."

"I know - it's difficult. Anyway how are the other guys?"

We talked for a while longer before my roommate got back and wanted to sleep so I had to say goodbye to him.

"Who was that?" Jessica asked, intrigued.

"One of my friends in America," I replied bluntly.

"Boyfriend?" she pressed for more.

"No, just a friend." I was not in the mood for her questioning me; Ash had just confirmed my fear of El moving on and Andy going mental because of it. I got up and went into the bathroom.

*Ashley's POV*

I couldn't believe that El had found another guy. I know Hannah said that nothing was happening between them but I was pretty sure it would soon. I mean he was much closer to El being in England and the fact he was rivalling Andy must mean he was worth something.

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