Chapter 24 - America

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*Hannah’s POV*

The summer holiday actually went slowly for once which was lovely. I had received many job offers and settled with an advertising company here in London; I loved the city and knew that I could work my way up from here especially with all of the links I would have. El had received all of her offers too and had decided to go for the one in the US, California to be precise. She was at her dad’s packing at the moment with Andy’s help, he had been staying with them since the graduation, and I’m on the train to visit them and help her sort everything out.

When I arrived I found her outside beginning to pack things into her car and Andy was bringing box after box out of the house.

“Hannah!” She ran over and hugged me.

“How’s the packing going?” I asked.

“Well actually, but it’s going to cost a lot to get everything she wants out there in a freight plane - it’ll be worth it though I hope,” Andy said coming over and giving me a hug.

“El you’ve got your own place right?”

“Yeah I’ve got a really nice apartment in San Diego which is where my job is based. I’m involved with research that helps the zoo - I can’t wait,” she said clearly thrilled.

“Oh my god I’m so excited for you! It sucks though because we’re going to be so far away from each other,” I tried to cover up the worry I felt.

“I know but at least it’ll give you a reason to head out more often! And you’ll be able to meet up with the guys loads,” she spoke with such enthusiasm that it got rid of most of the worry I was having about not having anyone who is really close to me in the country. I would have Gustav and my friends that I’ve made over the years but my closest friends that I can trust with anything are El and the guys in BVB so I was just hoping that it would all be okay.

“Hannah, I know what you’re thinking,” she knew me too well, “but everything will be okay. I’m on the end of a phone call and if in doubt a flight. So are the guys you know that; you also have Gus and all of your other friends. And don’t forget your parents, I know you’ve never had a very trusting relationship with them but they’re there whenever you need them.”

“We’re all here for you Hannah, no matter how far across the world we are,” Andy reassured me bringing both El and I into a group hug before we headed inside.

*El’s POV*

Today was the day. I was finally living my dream and moving to America to pursue the job I’ve always wanted. I was going to miss Hannah and my dad so much and all of my friends that I made in school and uni; Jared, I was going to miss him a lot, we were still in frequent contact and I’d met up with him a couple of times since we graduated and he was definitely still one of my best friends. I would have to come back quite often to see everyone but I still couldn’t wait.

“So this is it?” my dad said.

“Dad it sounds like we’re breaking up,” I laughed along with him.

“Yes but it feels like it,” he smiled through his tears and made me promise I would visit often, “I’ve seen how happy Andy makes you and I know he will look after you, he is a great guy. Stay safe both of you.” With that he thanked Andy with a hug and waited for me to say my farewells to everyone else. Jared was here too with Leo, Caspian, Meagan and Hannah and her parents. I felt as though I was leaving forever and never coming back.

I said goodbye to everyone in turn and left Jay and Hannah till last.

“Jay you’ve been with me through tough times and good times and about every other time in between.” He chuckled, “I want you to know that I still love you but as a best friend and thank you for everything.”

“Thank you El, have a fucking great time and I’ll try to visit you at some point and see for myself how great it really is out there,” he smiled at me but I could see the sadness in his eyes.

“Don’t worry we’ll stay in touch,” I comforted him.

“Okay, good,” he laughed. I turned to Hannah and saw tears streaming down her face.

“Hannah!” Seeing her like that made me cry too, “Look what you’ve done to me.” She laughed into my shoulder.

“I’m going to miss you girl,” she sniffed.

“I know you are and I’m going to miss you tons too. But you know where I am and you’re always welcome to visit.”

“Yeah, make sure you come over here once in a while too.”

“Of course I will.”

We hugged for what seemed like hours until I needed to go through security. Andy said goodbye to Hannah too, which added more tears to the state she was already in. We then said our last goodbyes to everyone and started the journey to America.

Hey guys! This is the last chapter in this book however I am currently working on a sequel that I will hopefully begin to publish soon. I'm in the middle of exams right now though and therefore I haven't got as much done as I wanted. I'll keep you updated! In the meantime vote on the chapters you like and comment so I know your thoughts!! Thank you xx

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