Chapter 22 - Rejected Again

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*Andy’s POV*

I woke to rain pouring down the window and a warm body curled up in my arms. I looked at her sleeping face and smiled to myself before kissing her gently on the forehead. Her eyes flickered open and looked into mine.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you,” I whispered into her hair as she snuggled into my chest.

“I don’t mind,” El replied, sighing to herself.

“Go back to sleep El.”

“What time is it? You need to be in the studio today,” she said sleepily.

“It’s too early, don’t worry we won’t go without you.”

“Okay.” And within a couple of minutes she was back asleep. It was around 6am but I couldn’t sleep. I felt too lucky to have the girl I care about most back in my arms.

*El’s POV*

I jolted awake for some reason and sat up in bed.  Andy wasn’t in the room but I heard faint voices downstairs so I got changed and went down.

“Ahh the sleepy head’s finally awake!” Hannah cheered as I entered the kitchen.

“Never heard that before!” I jested with Hannah giving her a hug.

“Morning,” Andy spoke in his husky morning voice, “Sleep well?”

“Andrew,” I addressed him with his full name, making Hannah laugh, “You know the answer to that.”

“Alright, alright I’m stupid I know,” he said turning away from the stove where he was cooking pancakes to give me a bear hug, “but don’t you dare call me that again!” He growled playfully and went back to the pancakes. I glanced at Hannah and we both raised our eyebrows at each other and giggled.

“I must ring Juliet today and sort it out with her; I don’t want her to think I’m a total douchebag,” Andy said, changing the subject.

“If she had an experience anything like the one I had she will never think you’re a douchebag Andy,” I giggled and wrapped my arms around his waist and watched over his shoulder has he poured more pancake mixture into the pan. Hannah wolf whistled.

“Not that I don’t think that’s cute and all but I really don’t wanna hear anymore,” Hannah complained from behind us.

“Aww you don’t?” I sat down at the table as Andy placed down the plate piled with pancakes in the middle, “Well I could tell you about the time that-“ She cut me off as she tackled me covering my mouth with her hand.

“Nope! I’m fine thank you.” We looked at each other and laughed, knowing perfectly well that she already knew every last detail.

“Girls are such weirdos jeez,” Andy chuckled to himself, pulling up a chair for him to sit on.

*Hannah’s POV*

The two weeks went so fast and before long we were back on the plane to London. We had had an amazing time with the guys but some things are too good to last.

“So I guess it’s goodbye for now,” Andy said holding El in a tight hug.

“Yeah, but we’ll see each other again soon. I’m not sure when or how but that doesn’t matter,” she replied speaking into his chest. They let go of each other and he gave her a quick kiss before we headed off for our flight.

“Wait!” I heard a familiar voice from behind me and we both turned around. There was Ash running towards me.

“Hannah, can I talk to you quickly?” he said rather flustered.

“Yeah sure what is it Ash?”

“Um so I know I really haven’t shown it much over these couple of weeks but you mean a lot to me Hannah and I’m here if you want,” he looked at me hopefully.

“I don’t really get what you’re saying,” I replied, genuinely confused.

“You said that you weren’t ready for a relationship but would consider me when you felt like it was right. Sorry if this is really sudden or if I’m pushing boundaries that I really shouldn’t be touching but you have made me feel a way no other girl has ever made me feel before.”

“Ash look I’m really sorry but I... um... I have a boyfriend. You mean so much to me; you’re one of my idols but you live all the way out here and...” I faulted, seeing the tears pricking his eyes, “I’m so so sorry!” I reached out and gave him a hug.

“It’s okay, I shouldn’t have kept my hopes up.” He pulled away and went back to the band as I just stood there shocked. El walked over and asked me what was wrong and I just said that I’d tell her on the plane.

*El’s POV*

Once we were seated and had taken off I questioned Hannah about what Ash had said to her.

“Oh yeah,” She didn’t seem to want to tell me.

“Don’t tell me if you don’t want to,” I replied to her unspoken concern.

“No I should because I’ll probably freak out about it and need someone to talk to about it.”

She went on to explain how she’d told him that she would consider him when the time felt right and the encounter they had just had.

“I never knew you told him you would consider him,” I said.

“Yeah but now I feel really bad that I didn’t even consider him.”

“Hannah look you came across Gus and he just clicked with you, that’s how it’s meant to happen. With Ash it probably would have been very forced; I mean it may not have been but you know...” I trailed off not knowing how to explain to her what I thought.

“You want to say something else.” Why did she know me so well?

“Yeah I just honestly don’t think Ash is your kind of guy. He’s great but he’s a bit intense and I don’t know I think Gus is more your guy.”

“Okay, I understand but I don’t think you know Ash the same way I do,” she didn’t look at me as she spoke and I could feel the tension between us rising.

“I’m going to the toilet.” I got up and walked to the end of the plane to relieve myself of the tension and all of the water I had been drinking throughout the journey so far. By the time I got back she had her headphones in and her eyes closed so I decided to leave it and read my book before trying to get some sleep.

*Ash’s POV*

Andy drove me home in silence; he hadn’t asked about what had happened between me and Hannah but I knew he was waiting for the right time. He pulled into my drive and then brought it up.

“So what happened?”

“She has a boyfriend and didn’t even think to tell me.” I stared out of the window.

“Now you know how I felt,” Andy spoke as if it were a joke.

“Andy! Bloody hell can everything not always be about you?” I didn’t wait for an answer I just got up and unlocked my door before closing it loudly behind me.

I went into the living room that was next to the hall and crashed on the couch, tears were threatening to fall. I heard a car door slam and footsteps approach the door.

“Fuck off Andy!” I yelled. He opened the door anyway and stood in the doorway to the lounge.

“Ash I’m sorry I’m a dick I know and I don’t know how you guys have put up with me for this long but please continue, I want to be here for you as you were for me. You’ve done so much for me over the years and I feel like I never really pay you back so here I am – I’m all ears!”

I calmed down a bit and forgave him before letting it all out. He helped, more than I thought he could to be honest.

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