Chapter 12 - Absence

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*El's POV*

It was finally the day we were leaving. Sad as I was to leave the guys and America behind, I was excited because when I got back I was going to university. However the butterflies didn't overtake the tears that began streaming down my face when I thought of leaving Andy behind. In fact all of the guys, they'd all been so kind to us; just two fan girls that got mugged outside their tour bus. And then there was what happened to Hannah, they didn't leave us, they were there for us, for her, the whole time. This was not going to be a fun day.

I had woken up to Andy's arms wrapped around me. I shuffled myself so I was facing him and he began to stir awake. His eyes flickered open and once he saw me watching him he smiled and kissed my cheek. Now however I was sitting in the bus after having checked I had everything packed. I was waiting to arrive at the airport, I wanted to make the most of this last hour or so I had with everyone but I was a mess. Jinxx came and sat next to me, he didn't say anything he just gave me a massive hug. I sobbed into his shoulder for a good ten minutes before I composed myself. I hadn't even realised everyone else was now in the room. Andy was standing up but I made room for him to sit the other side of me. Hannah sat in between CC and Ash on the floor and Jake sat on the arm of the sofa. We all just sort of looked around at each other and realised how much we'd miss everything.

"Well I think we just about have enough time for a game of charades. I mean I don't know about you guys but I think that'll cheer us up and make the most of the while we have left." Jinxx had stood up by now and made it clear he was going first.

I'm glad Jinxx had gotten us to do something; otherwise we would've just moped around until it was too late to do anything. We would've regretted wasting our last bit of time doing nothing.

We were all standing outside the gates that lead into security. They couldn't come any further with us.

"I'm gonna cry," CC said looking around. Andy however already had tears silently running down his face. I walked up to him and wiped them away with my thumb. He smiled faintly and looked into my eyes before pressing his lips to mine in a passionate kiss. We knew this would be the last one for a while. The others were all hugging each other goodbye and I went to do the same. Most of us were either in tears or about to be.

"I know we've only known you two for a month and a bit but we've been through so much with you and I felt like I've known you for at least a year," Jake said, his eyes clearly glossing over. "We're all going to miss you so damn much. Please stay in touch and try and meet up with us soon."

"We will, we promise," I said tears flowing from my eyes. I ran up to them and gave them all a last hug, Hannah did the same. I went over to Andy last and hugged him for a while longer than the rest. I breathed in his smell, hoping I wouldn't forget it. I turned to go but he held me back. He got something out of his pocket before showing it to me. It was a simple black heart on a silver chain necklace. He put it around my neck.

"To remember me by, when I'm not by your side," he said. This made me cry even more. I kissed him quickly on the cheek and thanked him before turning to go through security with Hannah in case I decided against going home at all.

*Andy's POV*

Well she's gone now; who knows how long it will be before I see her face to face again; probably longer than either of us would like. I'm going to miss her so much; I don't know what I'm going to do with myself. It would be fine if it was only for a short while but it could be years before I get to hold her again and by then we may have drifted apart and that kills me to think of. I've only known her for just over a month but she means so much to me. I am her idol and she's been through so much in her life that she didn't even want to tell me about so I want to give back to her what I gave her before I knew she existed. I don't however want to date her just for that, there was a spark within the first few days of getting to know her and that spark just grew and grew. Now, though, it's slowly going to go out again. Now she's not even going to be in this country.

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