Chapter one: Ms Pave

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"Ms Pave is climbing in the window again."

Rachel nudged me as she uttered this, and I sighed; lifting my head from the desk.

Sure enough, a tapping sound was coming from the classroom window.
The rest of my peers glanced at me expectantly.
I frowned back at them.
"It's your turn." Hugh said, gesturing towards the window. I just rolled my eyes and stood up, unlatching the window and opening it for our teacher.

Ms Pave climbed through with the skills of one that did this many times before.
Today, our teacher was wearing black leggings and a bright yellow shirt paired with her leather jacket. Her short blonde hair was done up in a pony tail and she clutched her purse to her chest.

"Hey guys!" She chirped, strutting to her desk and dumping her purse on the empty surface.

I sat back down just as we all droned: "Morning Ms Pave." Back at her with monotoned voices.
I discreetly checked the time on my phone. I lifted an eyebrow. Only half an hour, new record for our teacher. I was beginning to think she would never show up.

She did.

Just...through a window.


Out of the corner of my eye, I saw some guys exchanging money. Probably bets about whether she would show up today and how she would appear.

"What did I miss?" Ms Pave asked, shrugging off her leather jacket.

After a moment of silence I sighed and rolled my head back. The joints in my neck popped like firecrackers.
"Nothing much. Noah cut class again, and Mr Jones dropped off another love letter."

Ms Pave groaned and swept the pink paper off her desk, eyeing it cautiously.
"Oh God..." She muttered while she read it.

"Read it aloud! Read it aloud!" We began to chant, egging her on. It was always hilarious to hear what Mr Jones thought would win over our young teachers heart. The man was so desperate, that once he hired a singer to serenade her.
I don't think Mr Jones had predicted that she would end up going out with the singer by the end of it, however.

Ms Pave grinned and cleared her throat. She held the poem before her and placed a hand mover her chest.

"The moon, your eyes rival.
The birds call, your laugh rivals - "

I choked back a laugh, exchanging a look with Rachel.

"You rival the winds
You rival the sands
You rival the song...
I want to - "

Ms Pave suddenly squinted at the poem, wrinkling her brow. "I want to uwu you? What does 'uwu you' mean?"

We burst out into roaring laughter. Rachel fell from her seat and I leaned over mine.

Suddenly, the classroom door burst open and our laughter screeched to a halt.

The principal; Mr Newman, stood in the door way. His muscular frame took up the small space as his disapproving eyes swept over us.
I gulped and looked over at Ms Pave.

"Mr Newman! A pleasure!" She said happily, bouncing over to him. He just narrowed his eyes and yanked someone in the room that had been standing out side.

"I see you finally cared to show up. I caught this boy smoking in the boys bathroom!"

Noah "The heat" Johnson, sulked next to our principal, a cigarette still dangling from his shapely lips.

"Bow-wow." Murmured Rachel, practically drooling on her desk. I elbowed her.

Ms Pave wrung her hands, glancing between Noah and Mr Newman. "Mr Newman I would like to sincerely apologize for this. You see, I was just - "

"Ms Pave!"

We all shrunk back as his voice boomed across the room. Ms Pave swallowed thickly, giving him a hesitant smile.

Mr Newman sneered down at her. "I pay for a teacher. And what do I get? Another disobedient student." He swept from the room after casting her one last disgusted glance. The door slammed and shook on its hinges.

Silence lay its arms around us as we waited with battered breath.
Ms Pave cast her eyes to the ground and sniffled. Noah stood there coolly.
After a long moment, she sighed and held out a hand towards Noah. Without protest, he pulled the cigarette from his lips and Ms Pave dropped it in the trash can.

"Take a seat." Ms Pave instructed, her voice tight.

On a normal day, with any other teacher, Noah would back talk or bluntly disobey. But Ms Pave was the only one who could control him for some bizarre reason.
I suspected she was his drug dealer or something.

The screech of his chair was the only sound in the quiet room as he sat down.
Ms Pave sniffled for a moment as she stood behind her desk, bracing her arms against the edge.
A frown dipped in between my brows. Mr Newman was strict, but he was never this mean.
I mean sure, once he had glued my locker closed because I had broken dress code, but really? Ms Pave proved her weight in our test scores. Even Noah got good grades in her class.

I raised my hand. "Ms Pave? You probably already know this, but you're my favorite teacher." I felt all eyes on me and I swallowed. "And Newman just doesn't appreciate the fine art of window acrobatics yet." I added, shrugging. Some kids behind me chuckled and Ms Pave slowly lifted her gaze.

She gave me a soft smile. "Thank you, Green." Ms Pave said, addressing me by my last name.

"Well I think Mr Newman is just a big old fart!" Rachel blurted. The class snickered and I cocked an eyebrow, turning to give her a look.

Rachel was the image of pure.
Her blonde hair was shoulder length, and was cut so straight it could be used as a ruler. It was held back with her blue head band that matched her sweater, and a plaid skirt donned her smooth legs with stockings. Innocent on the outside and inside.

Ms Pave snorted. "Thank you Derman." She repeated.

The bell rang out and it became a frantic scramble to the door. Third period Language Arts was over, next: lunch.

A/N: Heyy! New book!

Good bye my little Wheelies!

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