Chapter eleven: Alice-in-wonderland-lost

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"-all right, until next time guys! Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe!" CJ said cheerfully. I grinned from beside him and waved at the camera. "CJ out!" Then he ducked and turned the camera off.

I had just guest starred on CJ's YouTube channel. He has like, 3,354 subscribers.


"So what do you want to do now?" I asked, tilting my head and looking out the widow.

"Dunno. Scrabble?" CJ suggested, uploading the video. Just as I got up to join him, the sound of the front door opening sent both of us stiffening in our seats.
"She's home." CJ said lowly.

My nostrils flared and I curled my hands to fists. "Need my help?"
"No, you need to go Hammy. Before your mom catches you out of the house while your grounded."


"Just go!" CJ snapped. I hurried to the window and pushed it open. I glanced back to see Samantha and Savanna running into the room. "Mama's screaming again." Samantha whimpered into CJ's shoulder.
CJ's expression turned ashen, he quickly reached over and locked his door.

"Go!" He urged me. I reluctantly slid from the house and took off running.


           The walk from CJ's house to mine was too long.
After 15 minutes, I began panting and dragging my feet. It didn't help that the sun as blazing down on me.
"Hey look at me! I'm hot today!" It seemed to scream.
"Yeah, I know."
"I'm just gonna BURN you!"

I groaned loudly once I realized I was talking to the sun. I must be going crazy.

The sound of an engine and the squealing of tires made me tense as a black car drove up to my side.

Oh sugar honey ice tea!

I clutched the straps of my school bag, about to take off running when the window rolled down and loud music came pouring from the car.

     Oh God why do you hate me? I threw my head back and closed my eyes.
If I ignore him, he'll leave.





"Hanna!" I opened my eyes to see Juice Box peering around Noah.

Oh goodie with a cherry on top, the whole gang was here.
Well, except the one missing that was in a "vehicle accident." As Noah had said.

"Why are you on this side of town?" Noah asked, their car inching along by my side. I shrugged, "exercise. Works wonders." I monotoned.

Noah chuckled and flexed his arm, biceps bulging. "I know."

I averted my gaze and picked up my pace; determined to leave these idiots.

"Are you lost?" Juice Box yelled out.
I scoffed and turned my head to look at him. "No." I sneered.
I looked around me to see how close I was to my house...when I realized I was indeed...lost.

My nostrils flared and I swallowed down a scream.
Noah grinned at my frustration and leaned out the window. "Need a lift?"

You know that horror movie? Where the unsuspecting girl gets to go into the murderers car? And everyone is screaming "no!"?
That is my life right now.
Except I'm not unsuspecting!
I am suspecting!
Suspecting ALL over this town!
Am I even making sense right now!
I don't know!
I might be panicking!

I glared at Noah. "I would rather get carried home on a hobo's shoulder." I spat.
The boys in the car began to howl with laughter, and Noah's grin got wider.

God, this boy did not give up.

"So you are lost?" He asked.
I realized my mistake and scoffed again, fixing my backpack on my shoulders. "No."
"Don't lie Berry. Let us take you home."


"We won't kill you, we promise."

"Well that's reassuring! Not!"

"Berry..." Noah all but growled.
Ooooh I was making him angry.

"Do you want to get home or not? Because your as far from home as you could be."
Noah eyed me carefully for my reaction.

What was my reaction?

To panic because he basically said I was  Alice-in-Wonderland-lost. I was so panicked, that I ran right into a parking meter.

"Ow! What the toad stools!" I yelped, clutching my nose. I heard rambunctious laughter coming from behind me and I clenched my jaw. My nose burned painfully as I held it, turning to face the car.
"Go away! Stop bothering me or else I'll call the police and ask for a restraining order!" I screamed at them.

They fell silent as I fumed. Shocked was not the expression I would use to describe them, more like...observing.

"Please, I've had a rough day. Just-just leave me alone."

I turned to leave when a loud clap of thunder ripped threw the sky.
I nearly jumped out of my skin at the sound.
All color flushed from my skin as another loud boom shook the earth. You could say I didn't like thunder.
But that would be the understatement of the century.
Not a second later, the skies opened up and rain poured down on me.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath threw my sore nose.
Slowly, I turned back to their car and hung my head.
"Need a ride?" Noah asked again, the smirk sounding in his voice.

I sighed heavily and trudged towards the car.
Quinn opened the back door for me and scooted over so I would have a place to sit.

Why do I feel like that horror movie girl right now?

So yeah, until next time my little riders!

(Yes I used a cheese. Don't judge I'm running out of emojis!)

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