Chapter ten: The O'Malley House

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A/N: Samantha and Savanna above^. Just, their hair is supposed to be a little more brown.
Oh well!

             I sat in the last period of the day. Only 15 more minutes and 4 seconds.
As I stared blankly ahead at the teacher, some thing at the back of my head kept bugging me.

I frowned and began to twirl my pen in between my fingers.
I counted the faces at lunch. Noah, Quinn, Juice box, and Mr Thief.

But when I went to ISD, there were five guys. I squinted my eyes at Noah, who sat in front of me. I reached forward and poked his shoulder with my pen.

Noah turned and raised a questioning eyebrow at me.
"Where's your other friend? Aren't there five of you?" I whispered.
Noah frowned and seemed to quickly do a head count in his head. Then realization dawned on him. "Yeah, he's at home." He whispered back.

"What happened?" I shouldn't be nosy, but I was curious.

He frowned, "Vehicle accident. He's alright though, just a little roughed up."
Noah then smirked, as if he could see the confusion that statement brought me.
A small idea, just a small one, bloomed in the back of my mind.

              Until school let out, I let that idea simmer. Not letting it grow, but letting it sit and entertain me.
"Ready Hammy?" CJ asked, looping an arm around my shoulders. We were going to his house so we could face time Rachel and give her the homework that she missed.
I nodded mutely, remaining silent the entire drive.


              Here's a little tip about Hellmington: The farther away from the high school you get, the poorer the people.
However, there are no "poor" people in Hellmington.
Because it's just that rich.
Instead, there are normal people. The O'Malley family are one of those families, except maybe a little on the poorer-side.

The car pulled up to a one-story house. It's cheerful garden housed sunflowers, blue flowers, purple flowers, and tiny pink flowers on small bushes.
I grinned and pushed my troublesome thoughts to the far back of my mind.
Who needed to be plagued with annoying thoughts when you have two adorable 10 year olds?


I laughed and dropped my school bag as I sank to the ground. Two little blurs tackled me in a hug.
"Hi guys!" I chuckled, squeezing them.

Blue tu-tu, this must be Samantha. "Hi Sammie." I touched noses with her, then turned to the purple tu-tu.
"And hello to you too! Savanna!" I pecked her forehead before setting them down and walking towards the house. "Come on! Let's go play!"


"I want blue."
"Purple for me pleash!" Savanna said after her twin. Her missing teeth made it harder to hear her.

Samantha lost her two bottom teeth, while Savanna lost her two top teeth, plus one bottom tooth.

*squeal* Their so cute when they talk!

I put their two color-dyed cookies down in front of them, and watched as they clinked cookies like tea cups.

I smiled and ruffled their hair before moving towards the couch where CJ was Skyping Rachel.
"I can't believe I missed school! That ruined my perfect attendance since 6th grade!" Rachel complained loudly.

CJ chuckled and shook his head in disbelief at Rachel. "Rachie, I hate to say it, but let it go."
Rachel looked offended from her pile of tissues. "You don't under stand...Ah-choo!" Rachel sneezed loudly into a tissue and tossed it over her shoulder.

Her neat blonde hair was now a rats nest on her head and her nose was red and runny.
She wore light blue pajamas with little alpacas on them.
Rachel look terrible, to sum it up.

I plopped down next to CJ and waved at the camera. "Hey Rach, how're you feeling?"
Rachel scoffed and threw her hands in the air. "Terrible! I haven't been this sick since...ever! And as I told CJ, my perfect attendance is ruined! Now I'm in second place and that stupid Jessica Watson is first!"

CJ and I chuckled at Rachel's ridiculousness. That perfect attendance was her pride and joy.

"Chill your panties Petunia." I said, grinning at the camera as I took a bite of a cookie. Rachel blushed scarlet. It was always fun to put "panties" with her middle name, "Petunia" and see her blush.


                 After a few minutes of us exchanging class notes with Rachel, I suddenly remembered lunch time.
"Oh! I forgot to mention, you got asked about by one of Noah's friends."

Water got spewed onto the camera as Rachel spit it out. "What?!" She shrieked, knocking over her laptop.
I began to howl with laughter as Rachel frantically picked up her computer and nervously flattened her hair. "Really? Like, really truly? Hanna Evelyn June Green, you better not be pulling my leg!" She wailed.

I snickered and nodded. "Honest. Don't know his name though." I tapped my chin in thought as Rachel continued to wail.
She is crazy for Noah and his gang. But no one knows but us, because she's "pretty and perfect. Daddies little girl."
To be honest, I really do think she writes fan fiction about them.

"What did he look like?!"
"Brown hair, I forgot what color his eyes were. He loves juice boxes though."

"What's so special about him? He's just a guy." CJ mumbled sourly, biting into a cookie.
Huh, I forgot he was here.

CJ sulked off to the side, glaring at the wall opposite us.
"Jeez. Chill bro. I'm just stating the facts." CJ never was this tense. Except when he's around his mother.

CJ just rolled his eyes. "Forget about it." He said, then got up off the couch and walked over to Samantha and Savanna.

I snorted. "Well that was weird." I turned back to the laptop to see Rachel blowing her nose. She looked up and blinked. "I'm sorry, what? I didn't catch that."

I just sighed and shook my head. "Never mind. Let's just do the homework."

A/N: hey hey! 👋

Until next time my little riders!

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