Chapter forty-seven: Ripping at the seams

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*pulls hair back*
*sips tea*
Let's do this.

Noah's grip never loosened on my wrist as we sped through the halls. Stacy was on our heels, racing after us as people jumped out of the way.

"I've been meaning to ask you," I called back at her, skidding as we took a sharp turn.
"What's up with you and Jay?"

"Jay and I?" Stacy laughed.

"Yeah! I've been hearing rumors, and whenever he visited, you were always with him."

We were now running down the hallway lined with computer labs. It was empty here, since no one had Tech Classes until after lunch.

Stacy answered my question between pants of breath. "We hooked up after the club, and then it kind of just snowballed." She explained.

I laughed. I hadn't known Jay for very long, but the few conversations I had with him made me peg him as a player. Perhaps Stacy could change that?

"Turn here," Stacy said to Noah. Noah skidded to a halt and opened the door she pointed to.

Together, we entered the dark room, only lit by the neat rows of glowing computer screens.

I braced my hands against my knees as I gasped for air. Wow, I was really out of shape.

Stacy moved ahead of us, tiptoeing towards the far corner of the room. "Jay, Jonas! I got them." She called out.

The lights flickered on, and I winced.

In the far corner stood Jay, Jonas, and Issac. They were crowded around something, glaring down at it with heated looks.
As we got closer, my heart jumped as I realized it wasn't something, but someone.

"Please! I didn't want to hurt Hanna! You have to believe me!" Sobbed a female voice.

I pushed past the boys to see Emily Margret Josephine Harrison, the most popular girl in our school, cowering in a ball with her arms thrown over her head.

My lips parted in surprise. Oh my, I'm almost touched. The most popular girl in school is looking for me. How quaint.

"Then why were you harassing Rachel and CJ about her?" Growled Jonas. He glanced over at us. "She had Rachel by the hair, and some jocks had CJ." He explained.

Instantly, any pity that might have been there vanished. My head snapped towards Emily, and my lips curled into a snarl.

"Because - because Gordon had told me that if I didn't try - if I didn't take the money and try to find you - he'd spread nudes of me around the school." Emily stammered.

"And why is Gordon so desperate to find Hanna?" Sneered Stacy. She tapped her long painted nails in a steady beat against a nearby table, frowning down at Emily.

I had forgotten Stacy was relatively new to the school, and therefore didn't know everything about the famous couple.
Gordon and Emily did everything together. They never fought, never disagreed, never cheated, never tried to put the other down. It was horrific. So to hear that Gordon had threatened Emily was shocking to say the least.

"I don't know." Emily shook her head, her inky black locks falling into her eyes. "But I swear, I wasn't looking to hurt Hanna!"

"No one is." Noah spoke up, his voice was soft, almost gentle. Yet the deadly expression on his face said otherwise.
"That's the man's job. The man who's paying all of you."

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