Chapter three: The dollarsorus rex

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"Hanna Evelyn June Green! Where on earth have you been?"

I grimaced at my less than welcome greeting. My mother stood before me, her hands placed firmly on her hips and a frown on her overly make-upped face.

I inherited my blonde hair from her, however, where hers was short and well kept, mine ran messily down my back almost to my waist.

"Evening, mother." I said casually, kicking off my shoes by the front door and making my way to the stairs.

Her stern voice rang sharp, making me pause on the second step.

"Yes?" I asked threw gritted teeth, not turning to look at her.

"It's almost past your curfew! No calls, no texts, no nothing!" She hissed. I sighed and turned to look at her, eyeing her carefully.

Her salmon pantsuit and string of pearls around her neck was a clue that she just got back from work. So there are two ways this can go. She either had a very good day and will let me off easy, or had a hard day and will ground me for life.

"I was with Rachel and CJ." I said simply. It was the truth, we had hung out in the library after school, doing homework and spit balling the mean librarian.

Instantly, her face cleared of storm clouds to show her beauty. "Oh, that's...good!" She chirped. I awkwardly smiled back from the stairs.

For a second, I glanced around the room expecting to see some rich guy pop out of the cabinet. Having only me to pass on her fortune to, my mom wanted me to get married to a rich boy, have lots of rich babies, and then send her off on a world cruise as a "thank you for raising me" gift.

I personally loved the idea of shipping her off somewhere far...far away.

"How was school?" She asked awkwardly, fishing for a conversation. I just sighed, our real conversation was over. Now it was just awkward words and phrases passing between us until night fell.

"Tiring. I have tons of homework to do."
"And a project coming up."

My mom nodded just as her phone started to ring. The signal of the end of this little conversation.
With out a word, she turned away to answer it as I ran up the rest of the stairs.

Home sweet home.


I lay sprawled across my bed decked out in ripped jeans and a band tee shirt. My hair was in a loose bun, and I had my phone playing music as I flipped through a Harry Potter book. Because of a mental condition I have called Synesthesia, colors spiraled around the room as the music played from the speakers. Blues, purples, and grey swirled and twirled, giving me a mini light show as I read.

Just as I was getting engrossed in the story, the loud roar of multiple engines shattered the peaceful silence.

I jumped in surprise and nearly fell off the bed. I hurriedly turned off the music and scrambled to the window, yanking up the blinds just in time to see five sleek, black motorcycles roar down the usually peaceful road.

My heart pumped rapidly as I pulled open the window and climbed out on to the roof for a better look.
On either side of the street, large fancy houses stood like fat, gossipy ladies with their perfect lawns and fancy gnomes.
The five motorcycles were tearing down the peaceful aura. Doing wheelies, flips, and riding across gardens like no bodies business!
The motorcyclist's identity was hidden by their black riding helmets that went over their faces.

I grinned widely as I sat on my butt and began to scoot down the near-flat roof towards the rain pipe.

Angry neighbors came running from their houses, waving umbrellas and brooms. Shouting at the intruders like their were scum.

My feet landed in the dirt and I immediately took off, my converse beating the ground hard as I neared the crowd. The motorcycles were currently doing tricks, using Mrs Myers fancy fountain as a ramp.

"Go away! Or else I'll call the cops!" Threatened old Mr McNeaur, waving his bible like a torch.

The closest motorcyclist replied politely with a middle finger, then went back to doing tricks in the perfectly preened lawns.

My neighbors saw havoc, maybe even chaos.
But I saw living.
These people, even if they were stupid for driving in here, looked like they were having so much fun. And I'm not talking "I won bingo" fun, I'm talking living! Actually living their lives.

I don't know what made me do it, but I burst threw the crowd of elderly and rich people to get a better look. Here I was, standing amongst perfectly manicured people in sweaters and pantsuits - I stuck out like a sore thumb.

"Hey!" I yelled, cupping my mouth. "Knock over the gnomes!" A huge grin ate at my face when I heard the people around me gasp at my nerve.

One of the cyclists heard me and he paused for a moment, turning his helmeted head towards me and moving it up and down, like he was giving me a once over.

Then he revved his engine and took off, running over the army of gnomes that were Ms Figi's pride and joy. The porcelain shattered everywhere, and a gleeful laugh burst from my lips.
Those things had creeped the hell out of me.

"Hanna Evelyn June Green!"

My smile dropped as the familiar shriek ripped threw the air.
I turned to see my mother marching towards me in her bath robe and a face mask on. The crowd parted like the Red Sea and even the motorcyclists went still; watching the show.

"What in the name of Gods green earth are you doing?!" My mom practically screamed. I cringed again and nervously shuffled on my feet. She must have heard my little comment about the gnomes.

"I-I-I was just-"
My statement was interrupted by the rev off an engine. I turned my head slightly to see the motorcycle riders all watching us from afar, their bikes parked but still running.

I turned to face my mom and grinned. "I was watching the best show ever!"
By the amount of gasps that followed, you would have thought I had cursed my mom out.

Her vise-like grip wrapped around my arm and began dragging my back towards our house. But I wasn't done.
Maybe I was just in hysteria, after being bored out of my mind all my life and suddenly that happened.

"You guys rock!" I yelled back over my shoulder, cackling like a mad woman.
"Keep up the good work!"

And by that, I meant destroying the plaguing peace of Hellmington.

Little did I know, that day was only the beginning of something big, dangerous and wonderful.

A/N: What do you get when you mix:

A life time of boredom
A nagging mother
A thrive for excitement
A lover of chaos
And a slightly crazy attitude?

Hanna in this chapter!

Anywhoooo Leave your comments, concerns, and corrections!

Until next time my little riders!

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