Chapter thirteen: Whats a kiss?

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Monday and Tuesday came and went, CJ and I avoided Noah and his gang as much as possible, and they left us alone.
And finally, Wednesday arrived.

In Study hall, me and CJ were having a heated argument.
"If two people connect lips, it's called a kiss!" CJ yelled.

"But what about when it's like, 'he gave her a peak on the cheek.' That's not called a kiss!" I argued back.
"A kiss is a kiss! It doesn't matter if there's tongue or not! Connecting lips equals a kiss!"

"So what about snogging?"
CJ blinked in confusion. "What's snogging?"
"When tongues are frick-fracking each other."

CJ choked.
"That's still a kiss!"

"Then why don't they call it a kiss?"

"Because...because verbs! Adjectives! Nouns! What ever the term is when they replace words with better ones."

"I still think it's different for each case."

We were interrupted by a new voice. "Why don't we 'connect lips' and see what you think?" Jay said, plopping down in between us. He gave me a flirty grin and I scowled.

"Bug off." I grumbled, giving him a shove.
I forgot that Jay and Quinn were in my study hall.

-Insert loud obnoxious groan here-

"Well, you two kept arguing. So I thought I'd come in and try to fix it." Jay said, stretching his arm behind me and playing with the ends of my hair.

"Come on Jay, everyone knows that she's taken." Quinn commented quietly.
We all turned to stare at him, and I raised an eyebrow. "Excuse eh moi?"

Quinn suddenly resembled Hagrid from Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone.
I half expected him to start going "I shouldn't have said that."
But, alas, Quinn just paled and ducked his purple head.

"Ignore him cutie. Now let's go back to talking about snogging." Jay said with a wink.
Before I could snap his neck, CJ let out an excited "YIP!" And fell off the chair.
I turned to see what he was so happy about, and let out a scream of my own.

There she was! My goddess! My savior!

"Rachel!" I screamed as I tackled her.

My best friend yelped as we fell to the floor. The class all turned to look at us in bewilderment. What? They act like they've never seen me act crazy before.

"I thought you'd never come back!" I wailed.
"Hanna-can't-breath!" Rachel wheezed.
"Oh hush and let me hug you."

"I'm still contagious."

I jumped off her like she was on fire and scrambled to my feet. "Then why are you here?" I asked, frantically spraying myself with Lysol.

Rachel giggled as CJ pulled her to her feet. "I'm just joking Hanna. I'm not contagious."
I dropped the Lysol can and tackled her again. This time, we brought CJ down with us.


Ms. Pave showed up for class only 3 minutes late.
And she came in through the door!

We gaped at her as she strolled into her classroom. Kids hurriedly stuffed what ever they were holding into their pockets and backpacks. Phones, candy, drugs, the usual.
She wasn't supposed to be this early, so we all had to scramble for our seats.

"Good morning you little Oompa Loompa's." she greeted with yawn.
Rachel and I exchanged slow glances as we stared at our teacher.
As Ms. Pave stood in front of her desk, she yawned again.
Rubbing her eyes, she looked over at me and Rachel, and she froze.

Rachel screamed as Ms. Pave suddenly vaulted over her desk and landed on top of Rachel's, hugging her like a teddy bear.
"Derman! You're back!" Ms. Pave squealed. Rachel choked and sent me a pleading look, but I just stuffed a fist into my mouth to stop my giggles.

"You left me with these idiotic gummy worms!" Ms. Pave wailed, shaking Rachel until her jaw began to clack together.
Idiotic gummy worms?

The door suddenly opened and we all turned to see Noah by the open door. He froze when he saw Ms. Pave.
I giggled again. He must have been expecting to sneak in and not have our teacher come for another 20 minutes.

"Oh, Hello Johnson." Ms. Pave hopped down from Rachel's desk and put a hand on her hip. "You're late." She added a moment later.
Noah cocked an eyebrow, then slowly trudged over to his desk and sat down.

Ms. Pave smiled brightly and moved to the white board. "Alright troops! On to today's lesson!"

A/N: Hola fellow riders!
It is I!

My grandparents are in town for the next two months, so I will attempt to keep up with regular weekly updates, but I can't promise.
Mainly because they believe my phone is Satan in an object. (Long story.)

Don't forget to vote, comment, and share!
Until next time my little riders!

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