Chapter forty-six: Naomi...Fishtable

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"This is going to fail."

"Think positive, Rach."

"This will fail in the best way possible." Rachel responded, hugging my arm as we slowly walked towards the school.

I chuckled nervously then shrugged her off. "Remember, act natural and like you don't know me." I whispered. She nodded, then turned and jogged to meet with CJ before class. He had returned last night saying that Savanna and Samantha were alright, and that he'd never let them out of his sight again.

I took a deep breath and looked up at the school. The night before, Noah, Jonas, Rachel and I had run through a plan.

Noah would introduce me to the front office as a girl he knew from middle school that moved to London in eighth grade. I had just returned and wished to start my senior year here.

The Echo Programm would allow me to choose who I wanted to "Echo" all day. I'd choose Noah, then proceed to follow him all day to be extra safe.

While that was happening, Jonas, Jay, and Quinn would help Issac go through the schools computers in search of any information about which students got paid to find me, and who didn't.

No doubt Rachel and CJ would be flocked by students asking questions all day. We had warned them about the dangers they might face, but they agreed to return to school anyway.

Ms. Pave had told us she'd be absent, choosing to spend time at the hospital with Addie. So, there would be a sub for third and fifth, since Noah had her for math fifth period as well as English in third.

Fixing my glasses, I nervously adjusted my violet sun dress before hugging my books to my chest.
You can do this. You've walked through those doors hundreds of times. Surely you can do it again.

I nodded to myself, then put my head down and hurried up the steps with the flowing mob of students.

The entire walk to the office was filled with a pounding heart, nervous glances, and stumbling steps. No one gave me a second glance save for the pervy jock in front of the girls bathroom.

It was odd to be so...invisible. Usually people would glance my way and greet me at least. Now, no one even cared about me.

I pushed open the doors to the office and sucked in a breath of relief when I saw Noah waiting for me.
He smirked at my flustered face but didn't show any other sign that he knew me before returning his bent head to his phone.

I crossed the small, quiet room to the receptionist and cleared my throat.

Ms. Trin squinted up at me, raising a bushy eyebrow. My friends and I always had a theory that Ms. Trin used to be a man because of her broad shoulders, wide flat chest, hairy arms, and a manly face with flowing blonde hair.
But what she was didn't matter, because during finals week, she allowed us to curl up under her desk for quick cat naps to relax ourselves. 

I smiled warmly at her.
"Good day," I greeted in my British accent.
"I'm Naomi, transfer from London." I waited for that to sink in before continuing.

"I have a friend here who told me of the...Echo Programm? He said that I could follow him around for the day." I tilted my head to the side and brushed a few strands of dark hair behind my ear.

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