Chapter fifteen: Who is you?

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"-he's stupid cologne! And his stupid face!"


"And he thinks he can just take what he wants!"


"God he's so-so..."


I whirled around and pinned Rachel with a glare.
"No. I was going to say an elephant bastard." I growled, turning back to the mirror and splashing cold water on my face.

Rachel sighed and leaned against the sink, crossing her arms. We were hiding in the girls bathroom until lunch let out, and I was trying to douse the steam pouring from my ears.

"Why is he so arrogant!" I spat, wiping the water from my face. Rachel looked like she was trying to contain a giggle. As soon as her concern had worn away, she seemed to be finding this amusing.
"Did he actually kiss you on the lips?" She asked. I fell to silence as I frowned.

" It was kind of on the corner of my lips, kind of on my cheek..." I became lost in thought, my traitorous brain sending me back to Noah's arms, his heavenly smell, his lips...


I threw more water on my self, then stuck my face under the faucet.
"Thif igent erking!" I gurgled.

"If your trying to commit suicide, try a bath or a lake. A sink isn't going to do you much help when they find your body."

Me and Rachel spun around to see a stranger standing by the door.



This stranger from heaven grinned, and leaned against the door, allowing us to look at her.
God, I think I just turned lesbian.

This girl had an epic black pixie cut with a bright blue stripe threw it, and black ripped jeans showed off her mile long legs.
Oh no, correction.
20 mile long legs.

A leather jacket was over a ripped MCR tank top, and silver bangles clinked together from her wrists.

And...two piercings on both her ears! That wasn't heard of in perfect little Hellmington!
A small nose stud completed the whole "I'm-a-Rebel" look.

"Hi." Said the Goddess of hotness.
I suddenly felt like a wanna-be punk in my dark jeans and BVB tee.
But back to her, because why was the focus ever not on her?!

" you?" I asked, pointing an accusing finger at her. The girl threw her head back and laughed, then held out a hand. "Stacy. Now, I believe the correct statement was 'who are you?'"

She was smart too!

"I'm Hanna and this is Rachel." I introduced. Rachel seemed to have lost her will to speak. I didn't blame her. Rachel was the image of everything Hellmington was, while Stacy was everything Hellmington wasn't.

"I'm new here. Just came down from New York." Stacy said, holding up her schedule on blue paper because our school was so cheap they couldn't get white.

The conversation turned from where Stacy was from, to where she hadn't gone. She's been everywhere!
Kansas, Florida, New Jersey, California, Washington state and D.C.

It was only when she complimented my BVB tee shirt that I realized who I was staring at.

A new friend! Cue the cheerful pop music!


"So then there's the popular kids, avoid them because their really fake." I explained. We were standing by Stacy's new locker during locker break. Turned out hers was next to mine! Rachel stood off to the side, popping in with suggestions every once in a while.

"Oh and stay away from Noah Johnson and his friends." I added, digging around in my locker for a candy bar. Stacy frowned, then blew a bubble with her pink gum she was chewing.
"Does one of them have purple hair?" She asked.


"And is Noah really tall and handsome?"

"Um...I suppose."

"And is there four of them?"

"Well actually there's five but he's absent."

Stacy nodded and made a noise at the back of her throat. "Because their coming this way."

Not a second later my locker was slammed close and Noah leaned casually against it, smirking.
"Heya Berry."

I glared at him and turned back to Stacy, who was being ogled by Jay.


"Stacy, this is Jay. Jay, stay away from Stacy." I kindly introduced.

Stacy chuckled and tossed her hair, seemingly immune to the attention. "Hey boys. I'm Stacy."

"Sup." That was Juice Box.

"Hey hot shot." That was Jay.

"Hi." That was Noah.

Quinn waved shyly.

"I'm Jonas." I whirled around to see Juice Box shaking Stacy's hand.

"Your names Jonas?!" I sputtered. They burst into cackles and Juice - I mean, Jonas flashed me a grin. "What did you think it was?" He asked, before slurping on a juice box.

I blushed and turned back to my locker. Shoving at Noah, I managed to yank it back open to collect my books.

It slammed close again.

"Noah..." I growled.
"Berry." He clucked his tongue.

I held my geography book close to my chest like it was a shield as he leaned closer.
Thankfully, all he did was whisper in my ear.
"Where did you run off to during lunch?" He asked quietly.

I shot him a glare, hoping to freeze his brain out. "I went to wash my mouth out." I replied before spinning on my heel and marching away, grabbing Stacy by the sleeve.

Noah slung an arm around my shoulders and once again broke personal space rules.
"You really did taste like a strawberry."

"That's because I had just eaten a bloody strawberry!" I snapped, pushing his arm off.
"Come on Stacy." I linked arms with her and dragged her off to fourth period.

It was only when we were both seated did we realize that Rachel wasn't with us.

A/N: hey guyssss

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