Chapter forty-nine: Cage the testosterone.

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A/N: Unedited as shit, and I'm pissed at something so I'm sorry bout the writing. I'll edit it later (once a certain certain someone is murdered).
If you see any mistakes, please point them out!

But it couldn't last forever.

Eventually, I had to sit up and motion for him to sit up as well.

There were things that still needed to be said.

"Noah..." I inched back against the headboard, and he followed. "We need to talk. About today." He visibly flinched, and I grabbed his hand and squeezed it tight.

"I need to know what happened."

Noah sighed heavily and dug his hand into his hair. He was silent for a long time as he stared hard at my blankets.

"A few years ago...we found out that Quinn had a drug problem. We tried to help him, but we couldn't do much if he just kept buying the stuff. So..." Noah shrugged. "Jay's father bought them all off, putting them under contract. As long as they refused any drugs to Quinn, their bank accounts would always be full." He scowled.
"But it seems that someone broke their bargain."

I placed a hand on his arm and squeezed. "No. Quinn was right, Nobody gave it to him." When Noah shot me a confused look, I explained everything that had happened after they left. The phone call, my father, everything.
"This was all my fathers doing. He wanted us to separate so that I was alone and vulnerable."

Noah clenched his jaw and swept a hand across his face. He swore.

"Noah I'm so sorry-"

"Stop saying that." He sounded in pain. "Stop apologizing when none of this is your fault. For the last time, the only person who should be apologizing is your dad."

I snorted. "Good luck getting it out of him."

A hint of a smile ghosted across Noah's lips before he frowned again. "What are we going to do?" He breathed.

I scooted closer and curled into his side, resting my head on his shoulder. "We need to get everyone in a room so I can explain what happened. Hopefully then they'll all forgive each other and we can move on to making a plan." I squeeze my eyes shut, already coming up with one of my own. "My father said that he would personally meet me in one week at the carnival. We need a trap."

Noah remained silent for a long time, and we sat together, enjoying what seemed like one of the few remaining times we would be together.


When you need to get a bunch of prideful boys to make up, you first get them all trapped in a room.

How do you do that?

Have pretty girls trick them of course.

"Jay is gonna be here in five," Stacy said. She slipped her phone in her pocket and looked around my television room. My mom was out for the evening, so together, Noah, Rachel, Stacy and I conducted a plan. We had already wasted precious time preparing - and we needed as much time as possible.
Today at school had been hell. Nobody even looked at each other. I don't even think anybody even ate in the cafeteria in hopes of avoiding one another.

"Did you tell him to bring Quinn?"

"Yep. I said that if he didn't bring Quinn to not bother showing up at all." Stacy grins.

"It was hard," Rachel suddenly began from my other side. She was still fiddling with her phone. "But I told him that we really needed to talk to him." She had just texted Jonas.

I look lastly to Noah. He nods. "Issac is also coming." Noah didn't look to happy about it, but that was the whole reason for this night. To get them talking and have Noah explain everything I told him.

Despite everyone's constant reassurance that it wasn't my fault, I still felt guilty. These were my friends, and technically, they weren't speaking to one another because of me.

I sipped my coffee and shoved all my thoughts into a small box at the back of my mind. One problem at a time.

Jonas arrived first with Quinn looking like shit in tow, and Noah quickly disappeared into the kitchens.
Jonas entered the television room, and his eyes went straight to Rachel first. He wasn't smiling.

"I'm here." He lifted his shoulder in a shrug while his hands remains in his pockets. "What do you want?"

Rachel hesitated and slowly climbed to her feet, glancing at Stacy and I, who egged her on. Jonas needed to stay long enough until Jay and Issac arrived.

"I um...need to talk to you." She wrung her hands. "In private."

Jonas lifted an eyebrow, but didn't argue as Rachel led him away. I watched them go, hoping against hope that Rachel wouldn't say exactly what we all knew Jonas was thinking. We needed him to stay. Not to start dating my friend.

Quinn collapsed into the sofa across from us and put his head in his hands. One leg kept bouncing up and down.

Stacy went over and tried to get him to talk, asking if he wanted anything to eat. He declined with a shake of the head.

The sound of the doorbell once again rang through the house and Stacy hurried to escort Jay to another part of the house; leaving me to take care of Issac.

The computer geek showed up not long after.

"Hey Hanna," He greeted with a smile. I smiled back, albeit a little tired. He looked around. "Where's Noah? He asked me to meet him here...?"

I nodded and sent Noah a quick text, as well as Rachel and Stacy. "He's coming." I said.

Issac suddenly noticed Quinn, and his smile dropped. "What's he doing here?" Isaac said just as Rachel entered with Jonas.

Jonas froze when he saw Isaac and Quinn, and any trace of a smile disappeared.
"What's happening?" He wheeled to Rachel, who had quickly vanished back the way she came. Jonas cursed and faced me instead. "Hanna?"

I smiled sweetly and rose to my feet as Noah appeared, Stacy appearing soon after with Jay.
Jay saw Noah then tried to make a dive for the door, but Stacy pushed him back and slammed the door in his face.

Jay and Noah stood on opposite sides of the room, glaring while Jonas and Isaac eyed everyone cautiously.

Quinn sat in the middle of it with a guilty expression and announcing leg.

"What the fuck is going on?" Jay snapped, spinning to me.

I crossed my arms and slowly backed away to the door behind me. "We've gathered you all here to lock you in a room together until you've talked out your problems." I grinned. "And trust me, you'll be in here as long as needed."

I heard curses and the sounds of them trying to rush to one of the doors, but I stepped through and slammed the door, locking it with a click.

A smug smile tugged at my lips as the sounds of arguing ensued behind the door.

Ah, the sweet sounds of a friendship rebuilding.

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