Chapter twelve: A ride with the devil's sons

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A/N: okay first off, WHAT THE SNARF!
People actually like this?!
This story is good I guess, but people, like, actually enjoy it!
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I am an idiot.

Wedged between Quinn and the window, that wonderfully self motivational sentence swirled circles in my mind.

Why did I get in a car full of dudes I don't know?!
I'm pretty sure that if I went to a hospital right now, I'd be diagnosed with the rare disease of ID-ten-tee. For those who aren't familiar with this disease, it's written like this: Id10t.

"So Berry, to your house?" Noah called from the front seat.
I grunted in reply, hugging my school bag to my chest.
Quinn gave me a shy smile, and I smiled back. Sitting next to him was Mr. Thief, then up front was Noah and Juice Box.

Gosh, I really need to learn their names.

The rain continued to patter on the window pane, and my breath fogged the glass. It could have been night, it was so dark.
The street lamps cast the raindrops into a golden shimmer, and I became entranced as they raced each other down the window.

Ugh, look at me. Being all poetic.

I hummed in reply as I turned to Juice Box. He was turned around and watching me over the back of his seat.
"How's Rachel?"
I replied mindlessly, not even processing what he said. "Good."

I then blinked and did a double take. "Wait what."

The car chuckled as I tried to wrap my head around it.
No. No this is bad.
I hurriedly 'corrected' myself.

"She's still is pretty sick. I mean like, crazily sick."
Juice Box may have been a good guy, but I refused to let my best friend fall into the clutches of a playboy.
Fu*k boy?

What do they call them these days?
The teenage boys who trip and oops! Shove their snake into every girls cave of wonders.

"Like, boogies running from her nose and diarrhea. Pretty crazy stuff."

Quinn turned green and Juice Box wrinkled his nose cutely.

"Why do you ask?" I growled, crossing my arms.
JB shrugged. "Just curious." He then turned around and began to fiddle with his phone.

Satisfied, I turned to the window to watch the rain.


        "Hey Hanna?"
"Yes?" I groaned, turning to see
Mr. Thief looking at me now. His blue eyes twinkled mischievously at me, and he stank of player.
How did I know?
Well, if that condom wrapper that was stuck to his jacket wasn't a clue, then I don't know what is.

"Are you a virgin?"

The car screeched to an abrupt halt as Noah slammed on the breaks.

Quinn fell from his seat with a squeak, and Juice Bow burst into laughter as Noah spun around to pin Mr. Thief with a tense glare.
"JAY!" He snapped.

Ah, so that's his name.

"Yes?" Jay said innocently. "You can't just ask someone that!" Noah chastised.
I began to fan myself, you could roast an egg on my face.

"Can you unlock the door? I think I can walk from here." I said nervously, tugging at the door handle.
No one heard me.
Surprise surprise bunny rise.

"Why not? You do it all the time."
"Cool your tits man."

"I promise you, I can just walk from here!" I repeated.
Jay turned back to look at me and winked.
"So, are you?" He asked seductively.

Noah's nostrils flared.
"Seat change!"


          Juice Box now sat beside Quinn while Jay sat up front with Noah.
I fiddled with the zippers on my backpack, waiting patiently for us to arrive at my house. It was silent in the car, but not uncomfortable.

After a while, I turned to see Quinn reading a comic. His purple head was ducked as he looked at the colorful pages.
Comics weren't entirely my thing, but I was bored.

I scooted closer and peered over his shoulder so I could see it.

Captain Mega-bulge and the one tentacled octopus!

Wrinkling my nose, I turned back to the window.
No thanks.


"Can you turn on the radio?"
It didn't usually take this long to get to my house from CJ's.

"No." Said Noah.
"Sure." Said Jay as he leaned over and clicked on the radio.

We all jumped as screams filled the car.


"In the end" By Black Veil Brides started to blast threw the car.
I let out an excited scream.
"Oh God yes!"

Jay snorted. "That's what she said." He muttered under his breath.

Noah looked back at me incredulously.
"You listen to this?!" He asked, turning the volume down slightly.
But I was too busy jamming out in the back seat.
"I'm not afraid! I'm not afraid to die!" I sang along with Andy, the lead singer.

Juice Box grinned and began to bob his head to it also.
Quinn was mumbling it under his breath, mouthing the lyrics.

Noah chuckled as he shook his head, eyes fixated to the front windshield. "You're crazy Berry."

"Who we are isn't how we live!
We are more than our bodies!
If I fall, I will rise back up and RELIVE MY GLORY!"

Jun, 24, 2020 EDIT: I used to have a comment here about BVB and how Ashely was my favorite member (when he was still in the band). However, due to multiple sexual assault allegations surfacing against him recently I have taken it down and am instead using this space to remind all of you that idols and celebrities are still human. They are not flawless gods. They can do wrong and horrible things, and it is our job to recognize that behavior and react accordingly. Yes, I still love the CURRENT Black Veil Brides, and I will continue to listen to new music. I just wanted to bring awareness to this delicate subject.
Thank you and please stay safe out there.


Until next time my little riders!

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