Chapter seventeen: The Theory of evolution. (Not really.)

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"Its too late. We're doomed. Good bye cruel world!"

"I'm going to go say hi!"

I yanked Stacy back down and shot her a look of very strong disbelief.
"Are you crazy?" I hissed.

"Look, Flippity's waving us over."

It was true. Flippity was waving at us from his parked motorcycle. And he had managed to gain the attention of his buddies, because they drove over curiously.
"Come on, it'll be fun! Besides, you already met them!" Stacy said, grinning widely.

I frowned up at my new friend. She had said she was a big fan of them, and the last thing I wanted was to be a party-pooper.
Maybe just an innocent "hi" won't be so bad...

"Fine." I sighed, rising and dusting off my jeans. "But if my mom catches us, I'm bringing you down with me."

We walked over to the Flame Riders. Stacy squealed while I just waved.
They stared at us with their visored expressions, and Falcon tilted his head in a way that I'm guessing was paired with a smirk.

While Stacy introduced herself and shook hands with the guys, I inched towards Flippity.
While we're here, I'm going to make the most of it, by trying to figure out who the hell they were.

Flippity turned towards me and tilted his helmet. I grinned innocently and rocked back and forth on the balls of my feet.
He turned back to Stacy who was talking about different types of engines with Falcon.

I ducked and began to closely study his motorcycle.
Average, black, blue rims, shiny.
A normal motorcycle, nothing special at all besides that juice box sticker.

*record scratch*

Juice box sticker.

A cute little sticker of a frowning juice box was right above his license plate. The juice Box had little boxing gloves and was pouting.
Thinking that it was evidence, I inconspicuously pulled out my phone and held my tongue in between my teeth as I quickly took a picture of it, then slid my phone back into my back pocket.

I looked up to see Stacy staring at me in bewilderment, and all helmets were turned towards me.

I froze as I was caught red handed, and scrambled for an excuse.

"Uh-Um. There was a bug!" I smacked Flippity on the back, making him jump.

I wiped my hand awkwardly on my pants. "Got it! Whoowee that was a big one."


I chuckled nervously as I stood, then clapped Flippity on the shoulder. "Your welcome."

Grabbing Stacy by the hand, I yanked her away from the Flame Riders.
"We have to talk."


"No buts!"


"So let me get this straight. You think Flippity is Jonas or as you called him, Juice Box?" Stacy said sometime later, sitting cross-legged on my bed.

Rachel watched me feverishly pace my room, biting my fingernails.

"No. I have a theory. Not a think."

I paused, that didn't make sense.

"I don't think Flippity is Jonas. I simply have a theory." I corrected, then resumed my pacing.

Rachel was all ready used to my crazy schemes and ideas, so she began to paint her toe-nails. Meanwhile, Stacy was hugging a pillow in her lap while staring at me like I was a chimpanzee dancing in a hola skirt singing the intro to Spongebob square pants.

Great. Now that image was stuck in my head.

"It would only make sense. That if Juice Box, er-Jonas, was a Flame Rider...that means the others must be his friends!"

I ignored Stacy's noise of surprise and began to search up information of the Flame Riders.
Some one on the internet was bound to be as interested as me as to who they really were.

Rachel got a bleep from her phone, and she giggled and began to text, blushing.

"If you think-oh sorry. If you have a theory that Jonas is Flippity, why don't you just ask him?" Rachel said, tapping feverishly against her screen.
I froze, and cast a glance over at her.

"Who are you texting?"



"Ah! Hanna let go of me!"

I yanked the phone from Rachel and hurriedly deleted her text that asked if he was Flippity.
"What are you doing?!" Rachel whined.
"What are you doing?! Texting him?! Are you crazy?!"

Stacy giggled and looked down at her phone. "You guys are so weird."

Rachel and I continued to argue about wether or not to ask Jonas if he was Flippity.
Eventually, I'm guessing Stacy had enough of our banter, because she slid off the bed and walked over.

"Hey. Hey!" She said, waving to get our attention.
"If you want information, I know how to get it." Stacy said with an evil little smirk on her face.

Rachel and I glanced at each other.
"The internet?"
"The Mafia?"

Stacy chuckled darkly, then slipped on her leather jacket.
"Get dressed. We're going out."


Until next time my little riders!

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