Chapter two: Lunch room drama

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The halls were flooded with high schoolers as we all flocked to the lunch room.

Rachel clung to my jacket to avoid being washed away by the human tide.
"Honestly though! How does he get that hot?" Rachel cooed, eyeing Noah and his group of buddies who were walking a little ways away from us. "Is he a model or something?" She asked.

I laughed and shook my head, eyeing Noah curiously. I had no reason to date at the moment, nor did I find any boys here particularly boyfriend material, but it didn't hurt to enjoy the view sometimes.

Suddenly, a boy from our grade, Kevin Baker, cut in front of me and caused me to stumble.

I narrowed my eyes at his curly red head. In freshman year, he had cornered Rachel and tried to get her to kiss him in...certain places.

After a not-so-subtle fist fight between him and I, it was deemed that we were mortal enemies.

I never quite forgave him for doing that to Rachel.

"Move it Jerkwad!" I snapped, elbowing him hard in the ribs.

My jab sent him stumbling out of my way, but crashing right into Noah.
He knocked into the group of human mountains with a squawk, arms flailing. In his frantic search for footing, one of his arms hit Noah across the face and everyone in the hallway froze at once.

We all turned to watch as Noah caught Kevin's arm. He squeaked in pain and his watery eyes widened.

Noah's friends leaned over, eyeing the Kevin like a group of hungry lions would to do an injured zebra.

"Noah's going to kill Kevin! Hanna do something!" Rachel whispered frantically.

I scowled. "Not in a million years. Remember what he did to you?" I hissed back.

"Did what?" A deep voice called out.

Rachel and I froze. In our short heated debate, we hadn't realized that Noah had glanced our way.

I nervously licked my lips as I turned back around.
Him and his friends were waiting for an answer, and Kevin was shooting me a threatening glare mixed with a plead.

The guy was begging. Oh this was gold!

"What did he do?" Noah asked again, this time sounding innocently curious.

Deciding that Kevin could live another day, I blew air into my cheeks like a chipmunk and didn't answer.
Besides, I didn't want to get involved with Noah's kind of people. They stunk of trouble.

Noah let Kevin off with a threatening warning before tossing him to the side.

On cue, movement zapped the crowd once again as we continued towards the cafeteria.

Rachel and I practically ran, wanting to put as much space between us and Noah as possible.
"Still think he's hot?" I panted with a sly smirk, watching Rachel blush.

She mumbled something incoherent under her breath then fell to silence as we entered the cafeteria.


Rachel and I cringed as several students looked over at us with amused expressions.


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