Chapter five: Little Berry

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              "Ms Green?"
I lifted my head as Ms Pave called out my name. I had a little panic attack since I hadn't paid attention to the question. However, she was holding out a small pack of papers towards me with a hopeful expression.

"Can you deliver these to ISD? Please?"

I frowned, letting out a little whimper. Ms Pave began to hop in place, smiling widely down at me. "Pweeease?" She begged. The students around me snickered as I finally gave in.
"Fine." I grumbled, swiping the sack of papers and hurrying out the door.


In School Detention.

Unlike most schools, we have our detentions during the day. But if you do something really bad, you get ASD.
After School Detention.

I knocked on the clean, shiny wooden door that had the little classroom number painted on it.
It didn't open, so I knocked again; this time a little louder.

I could distinctly hear rock music blasting from inside, and I frowned.
That...that didn't make sense.

I grasped the handle and gave it a turn. The door flew open and I went toppling inside, papers flying everywhere.

The music turned off and I heard the scrape of desk chairs and snickers. "You alright?" Came a voice.

I lifted my head, blowing my hair out of my eyes as I did so.
Across the room, five faces watched me with mirth. The one that had called out to me had longish dirty blonde hair that was tied back into a ponytail. His blue eyes twinkled with mischief as he smirked.

I narrowed my eyes as I stood up and pathetically picked up the papers.
Once I was fully straightened, I got a good look around me.
Two kids were sitting in the front, they looked slightly intimidated by the five bad boys sitting behind them.

"Sitting" wouldn't be the proper word.
Oh no. No no no, they were lounging! As if they did this every day!
Noah's eyes met mine from his spot on top a desk, his feet resting on the chair. His buddies were also relaxed in their seats, smoking and fiddling with their phones.

I frowned, shifting my weight from foot to foot. "Where's Mr O'Neily?" I asked, noticing that the detention teacher was absent.

The boys chuckled at my question but gave no answer. I scoffed and shifted the grip on my papers. "Ms Pave sent me to deliver these. They're for you to do."

Although, I highly doubted that they would get done.

The two students in front, who looked like they were here by accident, nervously raised their hands. "We'll take them." The girl said quietly, as if afraid of riling the hoodlums behind her.

I sent her a comforting smile as I passed out two papers.
I glanced over at the boys, who watched me with evil grins.

"We'll take some." Noah called out, a sly smirk growing across his handsome face. "Come on over," he said, patting the chair by his feet.

I straightened my spine and set a grim expression on my face as I walked down the aisle of desks.
Once I reached them, I wrinkled my nose at the disgusting smell of smoke and...something else. Was that...engine oil?

"Here." I grunted, plopping the papers onto an empty desk. I turned to leave when an arm snaked around my waist and yanked me back.

With a yelp, I was shoved into the seat that Noah was using as a foot rest. His arms caged me in a hug from behind as his friends cackled with laughter, relighting their cigarettes.

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