Chapter fourteen: Puddle of hormones

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                   By lunch, we were still arguing about what a kiss was.
Except now, Rachel had her input.

"You never hear the term 'small peck.' You hear 'small kiss!" CJ said, slamming his lunch box on the table and slumping down into his seat.

"But in the cases of where the kiss  happens, there's forehead kisses, neck kisses, cheek kisses..." Rachel became lost in thought, putting her head in her hand with a dreamy look on her face.

"Which cheeks?" I asked coyly, biting into my sandwich.

CJ spit out his milk and Rachel turned a brilliant shade of red.
"Oh come on! You walked right into that one!" I laughed, wiping milk from my face.
"Still talking about kissing?" Jay said with a sigh, swinging around and sitting next to CJ.

I groaned loudly and my forehead hit the table with a thump.
Noah sat down on my left, and Juice Box and Quinn sat on either side of Rachel.
My friend blushed and focused solely on the table, her cheeks lighting up like Rudolf's nose.

"You were talking about kissing?" Noah asked in interest.
I sighed and took another bite from my lunch. "I think a kiss is different for each case. Like a quick kiss is called a peak, while tongue wars are called Snogging. And CJ thinks kissing is kissing. And all the other words are just different verbs."

Silence filled our table at my bizarre statement.
"So...I see your up and healthy." Juice Box commented, smiling at Rachel.
Rachel nervously smiled back before sending me a "sos" look.

"Um. Yeah. I am." She whispered.
Juice Box inched closer, "Why were you out again? Sick?"
"Um. Yeah."
"Well, you still look as adorable as usual."


That was the sound of CJ's plastic fork snapping.

He gripped the broken halves and sent a heated glare across the table. Sensing an incoming fight, I quickly jumped in again.

"So what's for lunch?!" I said a little more loudly than was needed.
Noah looped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer. "I'm thinking strawberries. I'm really craving a Berry." He whispered in my ear.
I shoved him off me with a huff.

"You want a berry? Fine." Picking a strawberry from my lunch, I slapped it in his hand with a satisfied smirk. Taking one for myself, I bit into it and chewed thoughtfully. 
"What's your deal with calling me Berry anyway? I mean, come on. Do I look like a strawberry? No. Do I taste like a strawberry? No!"

I was suddenly pulled off my seat and onto Noah's. A waft of mouth watering cologne invaded my senses and I almost missed the lips pressing to the corner of my mouth.

Wait...lips...OH HELL NO!

Noah kissed the corner of my mouth, licking away the excess strawberry juice.

Before I could karate chop him into oblivion, he released me.
I collapsed to the cafeteria floor in a puddle of hormones, gawking up at a grinning Noah.

"You-what-aba-zag-MM!" I couldn't form a complete sentence, much less a word!
The lunch table was in roaring hysterics, except for Rachel and CJ. Like good friends, they leapt from their seats and swooped down upon me.

"Oh my God! Hanna! Hanna look at me! How many fingers am I holding up!" Rachel shrieked. I blinked away the mist and shook my head violently. The warm, tingling sensation faded from my soul. And was replaced by anger, brewing anger.
         Climbing to my feet, I sent Noah a vicious glare before taking my water bottle and emptying it on his head.

"There you are, you thirsty freak!" I hissed. Noah gaped up at me, the rest of them pounding the table in laughter.
I spun on my heel and marched out of the cafeteria fuming.

Curse him! Curse him and his good looks and smell. Curse him to the 4th level of hell!


IM SORRY THIS CHAPTER IS SHORT! I just wanted to get to get it out of the way before I go to practice.
Until next time my little riders!

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