Chapter eighteen: I'm a Hooker?

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I stood in front of my floor length mirror, applying heavy mascara and eye-liner. I usually never wore make up. But Stacy had insisted, saying that I needed to "look the part."

She still isn't telling us where we are going, or why.

"I don't know Hanna..." Rachel mumbled uncomfortably, holding up the tight dress that Stacy had thrown her way.
"We hardly even know this girl. But yet we're going with her to a place we don't know, dressed like hookers?" Rachel poked holes in my logic.

I frowned, eyeing my outfit. "We don't look like hookers." I mumbled, tugging at my short shorts.
Stacy had given me really short black jean shorts and a grey shirt with long sleeves but exposed most of my stomach.

Okay maybe we did look like hookers.
But just a little bit.

Stacy came out of my closet looking the definition of "hot bad girl" in a short black leather dress that was see threw for the stomach and fish-net tights.
Did I own these clothes?
Yes. I think.
When the hell did I buy them? The fish nets tights were from Halloween when I dressed as a female version of the mad hatter, and the dress...maybe a New Years party?

Stacy's short black hair was ruffled sexily and she quickly swiped red lipstick over her lips.
"You girls ready?" She said. I frowned, glancing at Rachel who still needed to get dressed.

"Er-we would be a little more comfortable if you told us where we are going." I said, tugging at my shorts.
Stacy smirked, and blew a bubble with her gum. "You said you wanted information on the Flame Riders. Well, I know just the place to find it." She then frowned at Rachel.

"Come on, loose the sweater and skirt." She said, walking over and tugging at Rachel's skirt.

Glancing at me, Rachel reluctantly lost her clothes and pulled on the shiny red dress.
Stacy took out Rachel's head band and ruffled up her locks.
In five minutes, my best friend had completely transformed.

Her golden locks were wavy and loose, while the red dress showed off curves I didn't even know existed. And we are talking about the same girl I've seen in bra and underwear. Stacy attacked Rachel's face with makeup, then stepped back and reviewed her work. She let out a noise of approval, then grabbed her car keys and swayed out the door.

"You hookers coming?" She called back.

Rachel and I glanced at each other. "I'm still not sure about this..." Rachel tried once more to change my mind. But I was focused on finding out who the Flame Riders were.

"Oh come on Rach. What harm will a little adventure do?" I scoffed, following Stacy out the door.

"A lot! And I'm sure that's what Frodo said before he nearly died on mount doom! Or what Percy Jackson said when he was asked to hold up the sky! Or when the Rouge One people took off into space!"

By now, we caught up with Stacy in her car.
She frowned as she buckled up. "I never watched the Rouge One movie. Does it end okay?"

Again, Rachel and I exchanged quick glances.
"Um...perfect. Yeah. The two people get married, the blind dude finds out he's a Jedi, and the big guy marries a nice lady." I quickly made up.

"Oh! And the Indian looking guy joins the rebellion and lives happily ever after. No one dies." Rachel added, smiling widely.

Stacy smiled back and nodded. "Good. Now let's go." She revved the engine and peeled out of my driveway into the unknown.


"Ladies, welcome to The Hinge"
Stacy said was we walked across the street towards the pounding club.

Music spilled into the street while a neon sign of a broken door light up the night.

Wait...we're going in there?

"Stacy? I'm not questioning your logic or anything...but we don't have fake IDs." I eyed the big bouncer standing in front, who looked like he could eat five Hanna's for breakfast and still be hungry for some Rachel.

Stacy snorted in amusement as she reached the building. "Relax. My cousin owns the joint." With that, she nodded towards the bouncer. "What's up Andy? Busy night?" She asked.

Andy grunted and nodded.
"Any motorcyclists come by?"
Grunt and a nod.
"Great. Nice chat. See you later."

Stacy motioned for us to follow, and Rachel and I linked arms tightly.
"Nope. You?"
"Great. Let's go."

The inside of the club was loud, dark, and smelly.
Bright strobe lights flickered crazily, lighting up the dance floor where people were grinding and dancing together.

As much as this setting terrified me, it gave me a thrill at the same time.
This was a real club that wasn't about golf and polo!
I always wanted to go to one.

"Don't accept drinks from strangers, or smoke anything. And stay away from the bathrooms." Stacy yelled over the music. I cocked an eyebrow. "Why?"
"Just don't. Now, go party!" Stacy cheered, disappearing into the crowd.

"Aren't we supposed to search for information on the Flame Riders?" Rachel screamed at me. I shrugged, eyeing the place carefully.
"Yeah. But we can also let loose a little bit. Right?" I said with a small smile.

Rachel swallowed, then nodded.
"I'll try." She whispered.

Just then, a guy came strolling over and grabbed Rachel by the arm.
"Dance?" He asked. I couldn't see his face, but I quickly sniffed him and didn't detect any alcohol. Deeming him safe, I released Rachel and gave her a nudge.
They quickly disappeared to the dance floor.

Looking around, I eyed the bar and saw a number of people hanging around there.
One of them was a guy who looked mildly attractive, with red hair and a gray sweater.
He looked around my age, which made me think twice about this place. How many underaged people where really here?

"Hey," I said sometime later, leaning next to Carrot-Top.
He sent me a once over, then grinned.
"Hey." He casually flexed as he ran a hand threw his hair.

Grabbing his hand, I tugged him away from his drink and towards the dance floor. Swaying my hips to the beat, he willingly followed.


The music pounded into my ear drums, but it felt alright.
Carrot-Top, who I learned was named Daniel, was dancing with me.

Bodies of the people around us pulsed and jumped to the music, and I laughed out in joy as I fit right in.
This was quickly becoming my favorite place.
A place to let loose and be wild.

"Want a shot?" Daniel yelled, offering me a shot glass.
I hesitated, then playfully pushed it away.
"I'm the sober driver." I replied back, continuing to bounce along to the music. Daniel shrugged and tossed the liquid down his throat before grabbing my arms and spinning me around in dizzying circles.

A/N: Tut-tut Hanna. What would Noah say?
*wink wink nudge nudge*

So how'd you lovely readers enjoy the chapter?

Do you enjoy watching Hanna let loose?
Or do you think she should be more careful?



*clears throat*

Until next time my little Riders!

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