Chapter eight: CJ hang time

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A/N: I usually don't do this but...basically what I imagine CJ to look like. ^

             "Grounded? Again?"
I laughed at CJ's surprised face from down below.
"Yep. New personal record for me."
I leaned out over my balcony as we talked. CJ was sitting on the roof of his car, Rachel was at some church activity so it was just CJ and I.

"But how do you get grounded, while your grounded?!" CJ exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air.
I laughed again and ran a hand threw my hair. "I was surprised too. No phone, computer, music, fun, or going out for a two weeks." I explained my grounding rules to CJ.

        Surprisingly, my mom had gone easy on me. Originally it had been two months, but I managed to convince her that I would need my phone for school, and that how can I go on another date with Adam if I'm stuck inside?

He sighed and hung his head, "Only you Hammy, only you," He mumbled.

I climbed up onto the railing and dangled my feet. "But lets talk about something else. How did the video turn out?" I was eager to know the worlds reaction to my dancing.

CJ's smile brightened and he looked like a car sales man about to strike a deal. "Everyone loved it! Apparently the Flame Riders never did that before. I guess they found you interesting!"

I grinned and began to play with my necklace. "Really?"

We both laughed and CJ stood up, balancing on the roof of his car.
"Can I come up? It really cold out here."

I nodded and stood up, leaning over and grabbing onto CJ's arms. After some hassle, we both tumbled inside my room with a grunt.

"And he sticks a landing!" CJ said from on top of me. "Ugh, CJ! Not so loud! My mom will hear."
After some difficulty, we managed to disentangle our limbs and both sat on my bed.


                "So how's life at home?" I asked. I was stretched out across CJ's legs as he braided my hair.

He paused, then continued his work. "Like usual." He said simply.
CJ's mom is known to be a heavy drinker. While his dad left him with two little sisters to look after.

Hellmington doesn't really like his family, just for the fact that his mom is an alcoholic.
However, Hellmington High took CJ in with the deal that if he worked hard, they'll let him stay.

CJ is the pity case of Hellmington High.
Don't tell him that though, unless you want a black eye.

Rachel and I knew CJ before all the drama, before his dad left and his mom fell to drinking.
His house had always smelled of freshly baked cookies and the laughter of his sisters.

But then everything changed.
Now, CJ is the mother and father of the house. He takes care of his 8 year old twin sisters, drives them to elementary school and to their dance recitals, he is their Rock.

"Savanna lost another tooth." CJ commented. I sat up and grinned, "really? How cool!"
CJ chuckled and tied the braid with a pink hair tie.
"Yeah, Samantha isn't to thrilled about it. She is convinced that the tooth fairy likes Savanna better than her."

I laughed and turned to face him. "I still can't get over their names. Why would you name them Samantha and Savanna?"
It took me 2 years to finally tell the difference between the identical twins.

Here it goes:
Both the twins had CJ's curly brown hair. However,
Samantha Lillian O'Malley loves the color blue, so she usually wears blue.
Meanwhile, Savanna Jean O'Malley likes purple, so she wears purple most of the time.
But! They both have an obsession with pink, so sometimes, they both wear pink just to drive us all crazy.
In this case, you need to bring out your trusty magnifying glass and Sherlock Holmes in order to tell them apart.

When Samantha was four, she got pushed off the swing set by little Billy Jones. (Who I later scared by convincing him that Karma is a monster that would get him) She has a teeny tiny scar because of the day. It is located on her right shoulder.
Savanna hates it because she, and I quote, "feels this gap between us now. You have a scar and I don't."

When the twins started loosing teeth, you could practically hear the sigh of relief that the city gave off. Now all we needed was to keep track of who lost which tooth.
Savanna currently has lost three teeth, while Samantha only lost two. Hence making them close their mouths 24/7 because they want to be identical and not "forced to be different because of this injustice of the tooths."

They were way to grammatically correct and advanced for 10 year olds.
Oh, and did I mention?
They both love and I mean obsess-over-it-to-the-point-of-going-crazy-love, Star Wars.

You should see their room!
Han Solo action figures dressed in a tu-tu, Chewbacca dyed pink, Rey in a princess dress, and a giant Poe Dameron poster with kiss marks on it in bright red lipstick.

Yeah....their crazy with a capital C.

"And how's Celeste doing?" I asked while painting CJ's toenails.
He gave a meek shrug by my feet. We now lay in a circle, painting each others toes.
"The usual. Driving alcohol like water, lazing around the house, hooking up with guys. Just this past week I hade to call the cops on a drunk guy trying to touch Samantha."

I gasped and accidentally jerked the brush across his foot. "What!"
"She's all right now, a little shaken. But it's nothing a Star Wars marathon and blue cookies can't fix."

I gripped the brush harder and I continued to paint his toes red. "I swear one day I'm going to go over there and smack her to hard she'll turn sober." I growled.

CJ chuckled and tickled my foot. "That must be a pretty hard hit then."

A/N: this chapter is dedicated to any child that had to grow up too quickly in order to take care of younger siblings because their parents are either unable to take care of them, or is gone.
These kids are the real MVPs.

Until next time my little riders!

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