Chapter thirty-eight: Stop kissing me!

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A/N: 😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉

I was currently cursing the god of coin tosses.

Addie slept soundly in the Queen bed, sprawled out like a princess. I stood in the connecting bathroom, brushing my teeth with a spare brush while glaring at the mirror.

Why did everything happen to me?

Why didn't we think of other ways for us to sleep? I'm sure there's more.

And why did I have a feeling Noah knew what side the coin would land on even before it was in the air? Sneaky bastard.

The door to the room opened and I ignored it. Ignoring him while I viciously brushed my teeth.

I would ignore him all night long if I had to.

I heard shuffling from the bedroom as I rinsed my mouth. Spitting the water into the sink with more force than necessary, I lifted my head to peer into the mirror.

"Jesus, Noah!" I shrieked in surprise, spinning around and smacking his chest.
"You scared me!" I hissed.

Noah put a finger to my lips and jerked a thumb over his shoulder towards where Addie slept. "She isn't a light sleeper, but she isn't a heavy one either." He warned in a soft whisper.

I rolled my eyes and shoved past him, angrily tip-toeing to the pair of PJs Rachel had given to me.

Collecting the fabric in my arms with out even looking at them, I turned around and almost ran into Noah again.
"Stop sneaking up on me!" I angrily mouthed. Noah didn't answer, just continue to stare at me with a mix of emotions moving across his face.

"What are you staring at?" I whispered, looking down to make sure I wasn't naked or anything.

Noah's index finger hooked under my chin and lifted it, forcing me to meet his gaze.
I felt the anger in me waver slightly, and my throat ran dry.

Even in the dark room, damn he looked good.
And smelled good too.
But that's none of my business.

"Have I done something? You haven't said a word to me since we got here." Noah whispered. His thumb slowly stroked my cheek and I fought the butterflies in my stomach. Down girls, down.

Smacking his hand away, I went back into the bathroom to change. Making sure to lock the door behind me this time.


Emerging from the bathroom, I was trying to braid my hair as I shuffled into the room.

Stupid fingers. Why did braids have to be so bloody hard?

Scowling, I lifted my head and suddenly, I didn't care for braids anymore. My eyes widened and my jaw unhinged, hitting my toes.

Noah must have changed while I was in the bathroom, because all he wore were a pair of Rachel's dad's sweatpants, and nothing else. He wore that nothing else really well, if I must say so.

Noah was busy arranging Addie in the middle of the bed, tucking her tightly into place.
Before he could catch me staring, I turned away and went back to work trying to braid my hair.

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