Chapter four: Go-Pro problems

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"You did what?!" Rachel shrieked the next day at school as we walked to Language Arts.
I simply shrugged while a small grin remained in my face as I remembered last night.

"Then I got grounded." I finished. CJ cackled and gave me a high-five while Rachel looked like she would faint. "B-But Hanna! Why would you think of saying that!" She wailed, tugging at her sweater.
I snickered evilly.
"You weren't there Rachel! The power, the freedom, the feeling of not being in the norm, it was amazing!" I did a little twirl to express my immense joy.

Rachel's frown didn't soften, but her eyes did. She knew how much I hated this life style, and I knew that deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, I'm talking center-of-the-earth-deep, down...she hated it too.


Like everyday in Language Arts, we had the first half of class to ourselves.
It was a lot more chattery than it would usually be.
99.9% sure that it's because word got around of the mysterious riders causing chaos in one of the neighborhoods.

But, alas, high school rumors never stayed the same.

"I heard that they burned down a house!"
"I heard that they robbed someone!"
"I heard that once they were done, they stripped nude! Can you believe it?!"

No, I can't believe it. Because it didn't happen! "Stripped nude"? "Burned down a house"? Please, all they did was drive around and have a little fun!

"Hey Hanna?" Rachel said nervously. I looked over with a bored expression on my face. "Yeah?"
"I think you should watch this."

She slid her fancy smancy phone over to me. On the screen was a big PLAY button.

I clicked it.

The first thing I noticed was that it was a YouTube video. The second thing I noticed was that a mix tape started to blast from the speakers like a soundtrack for a movie.

I began to bop my head to the song bits I liked as the video began.


The bright red text appeared and I quickly read over it. An uneasy feeling beginning to spread threw me.

The video was shot from a GO-PRO camera, it showed four motorcycles speeding down a road, the rider with the GO-PRO turned his head to catch the angle of the lead rider. Realistic flames were painted along his black bike and the music became louder as they neared a neighborhood.

My neighborhood.

Oh stroodles.

The video continued, and I felt sick. Spins, wheelies, being air-borne, it was all here. Except you get the experience from one of the riders point of view.

Now I vaguely remember a GO-PRO strapped to one of their helmets. I was to busy at the time to pay attention to it.

Soon, you could see a small figure shoving her way threw the crowd.
Long messy blonde hair, the BVB shirt, the pants, it was me!

Standing amongst the angry preppy mod, I clearly stood out. Not only from my outfit, but also from the huge grin on my face. Even in the video, you could tell how much I enjoyed seeing the perfect atmosphere shatter.

The video did a flip as the rider went air-borne, and you could hear me whoop in excitement. When ever I spoke, laughed, or made any sound, the music would dim slightly and the camera would focus on me.

The middle finger, the other rider checking me out, it was all here.

The music picked up to my personal favorite song, "Bad reputation" by Avril Lavigne as my video self yelled at them to crush the gnomes.
Now I understood the title.

It was edited to show the porcelain explosion in slow motion, then zoomed into my joyful face as I laughed.

"She's a rebel" by Green Day
came on as my mother and me began to argue. The camera went still as they all halted their bikes to watch.

The lyric, "She's a rebel" was sung just as I yelled about it being the best entertainment ever.

The video ended when I was dragged back inside the house and they rode away.
A black screen came on with the red words

Perhaps there really is non-perfection here in Hellmington.
You just need to know where to look.


Until Ms Pave came, Rachel and I focused on finding out more about the "Flame Riders"

They make videos shot by a GO-PRO, it shows tricks and all that cool stuff that a motorcycle enthusiast would love.
Usually, they rode in the streets of Hellmington, annoying the residents and ruining their yards.

But they also had a little running joke in all the videos about how Hellmington is "too perfect"
"Little cupcake town"
That is, until their last video. The one that I was in.

Their videos are viewed internationally, people loved these guys!
And they live right here, in Hellmington!

Rachel did not share my enthusiasm.

"But you can get in trouble!" She hissed while Ms Pave finally began to teach.
"How?" I whispered back, scribbling notes as Ms Pave talked. When she's actually here, she makes a very good teacher.

"I don't know! Job interviews? Hellmington jobs will hate that you cheered these guys on!" Rachel shot back.

"Well maybe I won't be here long enough to get a job!" I snapped. Rachel looked taken aback at my tone, and hurt filled her sapphire eyes.
Oh come on! She knows I hate it here, she can't really except me to hang around after graduation! As soon as I get that roll of paper and fancy blue cap and robe, I'm outta here!

I opened my mouth to say my thoughts, but Rachel just turned away, facing Ms Pave. I sighed in defeat and turned to pay attention to our teacher also.

I'll deal with Rachel later.
I'll deal with that video later.
I'll just deal with everything later.

*jamming out to BVB and Green Day as she writes this chapter.*

Oh hello!

I'm tired, so yeah. You know the drill.
Leave your comments, concerns, and corrections!

Until next time my little riders!

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