Chapter twenty-two: I apologize

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Noah lunged forward and tackled me as I continued to scream.

Together, we fell to the floor and began to wrestle.

"Hanna! It's me! Noah!" Noah grunted, capturing my wrists.

"I know!" I screamed back, continuing to wither and twist under him.

"So why are you screaming?"

"Because its you!"

Noah scowled and pinned my arms above my head, straddling my legs.
I panted heavily, glaring up at him while he stared back.

"You done?" Noah panted, his hot breaths fanning my face.

"Nah." I shrugged.

As we lay there continuing to catch our breath, I became aware of the way his thighs were squeezing my waist, and how his hair tickled my forehead. I tried to ignore the butterfly's that woke in my stomach when his head dipped just the smallest bit in exhaustion.

I also noticed how his breath fanned my face, hot and moist. I wrinkled my nose in disgust, he hadn't brushed his teeth yet. I could still smell the stench of alcohol and food.
Mine was probably no better, but still.

Once Noah saw that I was calm, he hoisted me up and helped me onto the bed. Once he released me, I scrambled under the blankets and pulled them up to my chin, well aware of my absence of attire.

"Where's my clothes?" I blurted. Noah frowned, then the light bulb clicked and he walked over to a dresser. Opening it, he threw me my pants and bra.

"Why did you take them off in the first place?!" I squeaked, catching them.

Noah shrugged, a small grin twitching his lips.
"I thought you'd be more comfortable this way."

"Did you look anywhere you weren't supposed to?" I growled.

Noah flashed me a naughty grin, and my nostrils flared.

He then laughed and waved away my concern, "Relax, I'm just playing. I didn't look anywhere."

"Then how'd you take my bra off with out removing my shirt?" I snapped as I wiggled under the covers, pulling on my shorts.

Again, Noah gave me a wicked grin, scraping his top teeth along his lip.
"You act like that's the first bra I've removed."

I huffed as my cheeks began to grow warm. Suddenly, I remembered something else. "What about Stacy and Rachel! I left them!" I was about to scramble out of bed, but in a flash, Noah was by my side.

He grabbed me and pushed me back down. "Relax Berry, Jay has them."

Jay's cocky smile and pervy ways popped in my mind.
"Somehow that doesn't help me feel better." I hissed.

Noah scoffed and rolled his eyes. "He acts horrible sometimes, I know, but he's actually a good guy."

"But why bother bringing us here at all? You could have dropped all three of us at my house! You know the address!" Maybe it was because of last night, but I felt extra cranky and defensive.

Noah raised his hands in defense. "I know how much your mother just loves you, but I doubt she would have appreciated you stumbling into the house wearing that, plus being drunk." Sarcasm dripped from every word in that sentence, making my hackles rise.

"At least I wouldn't have had a heart attack not knowing where I was!" I shouted. A small voice in my brain was hushing me, telling me to stop yelling at Noah.
But I don't listen to odd voices telling me what to do.

Noah scowled, then marched over the the bedroom door. He yanked it open and turned back to me.
"You obviously need to calm down, so I'll leave you too it. And by the way, you're welcome for saving your ass!"

With that, he slammed the door shut.


I stayed in Noah's bed for three hours.
I'm sticking to the claim that it was comfortable, and I didn't want to leave.

However, the truth was that I didn't want to face Noah.
Cause Hanna Evelyn June Green doesn't apologize to just anyone.

Was this what guilt felt like?

I huffed and swung my feet out from beneath the covers.
My stomach was growling loudly and my bladder needed to be emptied, so I had no other choice but to leave this room.

Standing up slowly, the world spun slightly and I grabbed onto the wall to steady myself.
Once the world regained normality, I edged my way around the room towards the door.

Cracking it open, I snuck out and found my self in a hallway.

Oh great. This is an excellent place for me to get lost.

But just as I was about to open a random door, I heard the music.

Well, more correctly I saw the colors first.
Pale reds swirled with gentle oranges.
I blinked in surprise, then heard the guitar.

Someone was gentle strumming a guitar, making red raindrops patter against my eyes.

Following the beautiful sound, I wandered threw the house until I was outside a door.
My hand hesitated against the wood, about to knock. Instead, it drifted towards the knob and silently turned it.

Noah leaned against a couch, playing a soft melody on a shiny wooden guitar. His inky curls fell into his eyes as he focused all his attention on the strings.

Holding my breath, I padded into the room and made my way over to Noah.

Once I stood in front of him, I softly cleared my throat.

His eyes left the strings and landed on my legs. Slowly, he worked his way up until he landed on my face.

His usually smirking face was empty, just blankly staring at me.

Feeling suddenly hot, I licked my lips. "I um...I wanted to ap-" come on Hanna you can do it.

Ap-Appalachian mountains.


Apol-Apollo the God of the sun

Come on! Suck in your pride and just say it!

"I wanted to apologize." I blurted. Noah blinked once, waiting.
Taking a deep breath, I readied my mind.
"For yelling at you. You didn't deserve it. After all, you kind of did save me from that creep back at the club." I smiled softly. "Thank you for that, by the way."

A few seconds passed before an equally as gentle smile curved upon Noah's lips.
"You're welcome." He replied.

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