Chapter forty: We become master-minds at planning

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I lay curled on the bed, hugging the pillow to my chest.

I stared blankly at the wall, mulling over all we had just learned.

So apparently my father was paying people, kids at my own school, kids who I had grown up with, to find me.
My fingers dug into the soft pillow as I squeezed it harder.

Why now? Why now in the middle of my senior year? Why did this have to happen just when I was about to graduate and leave this city forever?

Someone quietly knocked on the door, but I ignored it.

"Hanna?" Came Rachel's timid voice.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
"Yeah?" My voice cracked and I scowled. Clearing my throat, I tried again.

"Noah said you wanted to be left alone..."

"Well, he didn't lie."

Rachel sighed loudly from outside the room, and I heard the quiet thump as her head hit the door.

"Can I come in?" She pleaded. I remained silent.
"Do you wanna build a snowman?" She sang softly, voice cracking with sadness. I closed my eyes, smiling softly as I remembered that last time we had been in this circumstance.

Sophomore me was hiding out in my room, avoiding everyone. Jack Doller, my crush at the time, had just asked Rachel out. She knew that I liked him, but had said yes either way. An all out war happened between us; words were said, actions were done, shampoos were replaced with pink hair dyes, and both of us had been crushed by the end of it.
I had been crying into my pillow when Rachel had knocked on my door. I told her to go away, but she didn't stop, and began to sing "Do you want to build a snowman" from the movie that had just recently come out that we both agreed was our favorite at the time.
After letting her in and apologizing for my actions, she apologized too and we agreed to never let a boy get between us ever again.

Sighing, I turned over to face the door. "You're just cruel." I called out. Rachel laughed and opened the door, hugging her arms as she approached me.

"Hey Hanna." She greeted quietly, sitting at the edge of my bed.

"Hey Rach." I mumbled, pressing my face into the pillow.

"Some scary stuff happening right now, huh." She said, rubbing her face. I hummed out a yes, still not looking at her.
Silence fell between us, and she laid down next to me.

"But we'll work it out, right?" She whispered, touching my arm.

I lifted my head and turned it to face her. "I'm not sure Rach. This isn't some stupid boy now, it's an insane man trying to kidnap me." I muttered. "And I'm putting everyone I love in danger." I whispered reluctantly.

Rachel smacked my arm.
"Oh no you don't!" She warned.

I frowned at her.

"I know that tone of voice. Your blaming yourself. Well stop it."

" is my fault."

"Really? It's your fault that your parents divorced and your dad turned psycho? It's your fault that he has some strange obsession with you? It's your fault that we are willingly putting ourselves in danger to protect you?" Rachel breathed, frowning at me.
The corner of my lips twitched upwards as Rachel scowled at me.

"None of this is your fault, Hanna. None of it. The only thing you need to worry about is being safe." Rachel said, squeezing my hand. "And we will win this. No one will get hurt, I promise." Rachel whispered.
I smiled and sat up, scooting next to her and leaning my head against her shoulder.

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